Need some advice!!!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, CANADA
I have a question! Are tiger barbs good community fish?
Some of my fish are smaller than tiger barbs. Will they get along?
Did anyone have problems with them?
Thanx! any info will do good!!
Hi. I know that tiger barbs are fin nippers, so I would say they're not the best community fish. It's been awhile since I've had tigers, but I do remember that they were somewhat troublemakers! I've heard that if you keep them in larger groups (6 or more), they are not quite as nasty to the other fish.
a lot depends on what else you want to keep with them and like meantioned they are much better if kept in larger groups.

for a alternative to tigerbarbs you might like to try pentazona barbs. lovely fish great for the more peaceful community.

have a search for them ;)
Yeah! these are great fish the same kind of look as the tiger barb but minus the attitude :D they are very peaceful and like to be kept in groups and some of them can be extremely timid.
Great suggestion kribs mate :cool:
The only thing about tigers is that you can't keep them with long fin fish like angels because they are fin nippers, this fish is also likes to school of 5 or more.

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