Need Some Advice


New Member
Feb 17, 2008
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Hi my aquarium is in my room & its in between my computer & the entrance of my room.
I have 20 cardianals 5 Cherry red shrimps & the problem is that my fish seems to be hiding all to often.
I was wondering is it because that i the fishes were scared, cause i sit & move pretty often..
If anyone would be kind enough to give me some advice ^^ :unsure:
How long has the tank been setup, and did you cycle it? What size tank is it? also how many watts of light do you have on the tank?
Hi my aquarium is in my room & its in between my computer & the entrance of my room.
I have 20 cardianals 5 Cherry red shrimps & the problem is that my fish seems to be hiding all to often.
I was wondering is it because that i the fishes were scared, cause i sit & move pretty often..
If anyone would be kind enough to give me some advice ^^ :unsure:

How long has the tank been setup, and did you cycle it? What size tank is it? also how many watts of light do you have on the tan

my tank is around 1.5 X 1.2x 1 feet. & it was being set up 3 days before i put the fishes in. THe voltage i have is 8 watts.
hmmm so its not because of my presense that the fish keeps hiding?
i was actually thinking perhaps the amount of fishes arent enough.
i might be adding another 40 Albino glow light tetras in the tank =D
Oh you certainly have enough fish if your tank sizes are accurate! First things first, please don't add anymore fish!

Without meaning to sound negative, you may want to read some online guides or see if you can get a book about setting up your tropical aquarium. Its a very rewarding hobby and is worth sticking at but if you don't go about it the right way it will be nothing but a poor life for your fish and a poor life for your wallet! Have a look here

As for your current tank, you have too many fish in there already but that won't be the cause of them hiding - if they've only been in the tank for a few days they will be a little stressed and its normal for them to take a little while to adjust to their surroundings.

But again, please, no more fish! Will make things much worse for you! I know the tanks in shops look lovely with 100 fish in the display tank but these tanks are built and over-filtered to handle these high numbers - if you try doing the same at home you'll end up with lots of little dead fish and theres no enjoyment in that!
hmm i was actually thinkin of adding a few more fishes...
& its been a week or so since i added the fishes..
:crazy: Your tank is cycling, you need to read the links here, here, and here . Your tank is already overstocked as it is. The best thing would be to take the cardnials back, they are sensitive fish and they will not survive the cycle. I'm surprised you have not lost any yet.
Doing the calculations it appears you have a 13.5 Gal ???? Anyways if u use the inch per gallon rule with your 20 cardinals you would have 40 inches. First of all thats to many fish for your tank and second u really need to understand what cycling a tank does. Cardinals are not the most hearty of fish and u might loose them all during the cycle. READ READ READ the links about cycling and you will be grateful. And just as part-timer said fish keeping is a great hobby but as any hobby one needs to educate himself. If one does it can be very rewarding. There are hundreds of people on this site willing to help just ask. GOOD LUCK

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