need some advice plz


New Member
Jun 17, 2004
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We hav a pair of angels all by themselves in a 50gal. Tthey were a breeding pair but my dad did not hav time to care for any of the spawn.

We do not know wat happened but it seems that somehow the male angelfish believes that it was the females fault and is starting to bully it. The female is now hiding all day and night, only coming out to eat a little food, and goes back the its little hiding space in a cave.

The thing that is troubling me is that when i see the female come out for food, it seems weak and swims a little unbalanced.

What should i do? I want to keep both of the fish and my dad said he will not be able to set up the 10 gal in storage until this weekend. The only other tanks i hav are not heated and hav fish like goldfish and white clouds.

Any help would be great, thanks.
ok we don't hav a lot of testing products but i did my best

ammonia is 0

ph 6.2-6.4 (is that too acidic for angels, i'm not sure)

the last water change was last saturday, i believe it was a water change of 1/3+

well i was just suggesting the 10 becuz that's the only other tank we hav, also it would only be for until she gets better

i also suspect she might be a little sick, her swimming is a little weak, but i hav no idea wat it could be

Alrite then, i'll try to keep updated on how their doing and i'll try to get my water tested as soon as i can.

If the angel is still looking bad by this weekend i might set up the tank for it to get some rest and see if there are any signs of sickness or injuries. I believe that i can use water from the tank they are in right now along with some fresh conditioned water so i don't hav to cycle the thing, which would be a pain.

thanks a bunch for trying, and hopefully this isn't anything serious

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