Need some advice please..


New Member
May 30, 2004
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Humboldt, Ca. USA
Hello all, newbie here to this site so I am just getting started! I do need some advice about adding my two good size goldfish and chinese algae eater to my 72 gal. bow front tank. I have a 12" pleco who has been living in it for about 2 years now. I am wondering if he will even notice my chinese algae eater as he doesn't bother the feeder goldfish that are in there now with him. I know he will be fine with my larger goldfish that I have had for 4-5 years, I am just worried about how he will do with the chinese algae eater who is only 2 1/2" long. Thanks in advance for any advice.


Hugs to my Amber Ale may he rest in peace.
Since he is already use to the tank that he is in, he might become a little territoral with the other alge eater. Just watch them for a bit and see how they act towards each other. I doubt they will do anything to each other but the just want to make sure that they know whos tank it was first. hahaha
kgrehm~ Thank you, I was going to try that today! I noticed you are from Hesperia! WOW I was there this last weekend visiting family! I am from Humboldt CA, what a long drive...LOL Thanks again for the advice.. ;)

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