Need opinions.

I seriously depends on the fish. I sure wouldn't do it without having a backup plan. I keep my 10gal w/ four bettas but we do play musical bettas a lot.
Never underestimate a redhead. They are crazy!!!!!! :fun:
yea it is the fish..

i have 3 in a 3 gallon and they are all perfect...

2 twins and a skinny rejected triplet :X

... i have some that wont go together at all.. i kept like 7 in an 8 gallon tank... some of them didnt fight at all while others went ape on each other... thats why i separated mine...

the mouth lock thing is crazy huh... my sister caught my convicts doing it.. she thought they were doing it :X

the thing is .. you never know sometimes whats gonna happen until you try..

but o well... maybe some other of your females can be roomates :X
Hrm... we probably should have mentioned keeping them in containers or something so they could see each other and get used to each other before releasing them. That's what I always do with new ones. :/ Sorry.
Heh heh heh. Should have thought of that myself....not to worry though. I am sticking to single bettas from now on. :nod:
I too tried it, it worked for a while but eventually they all had to be seperated. When talking to some of the betta "experts" lol, the show wuv and I attended they all say evenually disaster strikes.

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