Need Opinions please?


New Member
Feb 1, 2003
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Ok i had convicts,dempseys, and firemouths in my 125 gallon tank before then i decided i wanted to go with tiger barbs,neons,zebra, and some cory catfish but after i switched to them i decided that i really like the cichlids alot better than the community fish. What do ya think would happen if i went out and bought some convicts and firemouths and added them in with the community fish i have now would any survive with the cichlids? What should i do? Thanks in advance.
uhhhh NO I got my jack dempsey simply cause I was sick of my guppies that I had and in two days they were all gone, or at least his half were I gave the other half to my pirhanas bless thier soles :( :( :( and it took the two of them a week in what it took my dempsey. but I would have to guess it all matters on size but eventually they will disappear.
tiger barbs can hold there own if there in groups of about 10 to 12 but would not chance mixing with convits or depseys,there would not be a minuets peace in the for the neons the would be piked of one at a time.not sure about the cats.
nahh, it won't work, eventually, the fishes will be bad idea.......but maybe fast moving fishes like danios might work since it's a 125g tank...........
why do you get a pair of midas or red devil for the tank? werd.....
or a pair of green terrors......or something like that.............just a suggestion..... :unsure: :look:

ming :p
no, wait, the cories will survive, but the tetras will vanish......eventually......

why don't you add a school of silver dollars? that'll look very cool, they're also very good dither fish and rarely if ever will be killed in a 125g........ ;) :D

ming :p
If you like Africans cichlids, you could put some Alto.Calvus or Compress, or some of the neolamprologus. My wife kept a Black congo Calvus in a tank with barbs and cories and nean tetras and zebras. The tetras were good food for the calvus, he would eat one a week, and she would replace them when there was only 6 left. :) The calvus was always happy and spoiled :D

Just an Idea B)

nope they would not survive. but to take things a little more into the future. do you really want a 125 filled with numerous convicts and a couple of firemouths. would seriously rethink the whole scheme of the tank. like ming said a pair of devils, firemouths and the convicts. the convicts imo are good with any of the sa/ca as they provide fresh food for them. don't like the feeer fish thing if anyone does not know already :rolleyes: started with a pair of convicts and now a year later have about a dozen of them. fully grown. got two breeding pairs out of the bunch. the rest are males. if you want any convicts for free just let me know. you pay for the shipping and they are yours.


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