For pH, you mean? I've heard good things about RedSea, and the "top of the line" I've heard of is LaMotte, but LaMotte tests are terribly expensive.
I actually meant are there more accurate test kits for all water parameters. The color matching method in general is sometimes guess work at best but yes, I agree that the AP KH & GH tests are pretty straight forward.
Went out and bought Baking Soda this afternoon.
Will add some to tank after my water change that I was supposed to do tonight but am too tired - will have to wait until tomorrow.
New plants seem to be doing fine so far without supplemental CO2 or ferts. Combomba seems to be growing, Red Ludwigia seems to be doing fine, Watersprite is definetely expanding out & the questionable "true aquatic" plant seems to be fairing well to the extent that it's not dying.
Thanks again Bol -