CRAZED55 said:
sorry i am at work and forget to trurn off cap before writing
have to do things in as hurry

my head count is fine

my shark is not carnivorous, he is omnivorious and will only eat plants

tried feeding him feeders at the store and would not take

any other advise
the black shark will eventually eat the dannios
if not now then it will eventually

as for not eating what did the lfs say it was eating when they sold it to you if you do not remember then phone them and ask them
they are giant danios

they said he was eating flake food and plants

also been reading that they will nopt eat any fish maybe fry

do you know if anyu thing else will work maybe live food like shrimp or worms
CRAZED55 said:
they are giant danios

they said he was eating flake food and plants

also been reading that they will nopt eat any fish maybe fry

do you know if anyu thing else will work maybe live food like shrimp or worms
i think you have a black shark mistaken for a red tail black or maybe a redfinned shark

is the shark you have got compleatly blacklike the one in my avartar or has it got red finnage

morulius chrysophitadion( a BLACK SHARK) AND THIS FISH WILL EAT YOUR GIANT DANNIOS!!!!!!!!!

if it has red finnege its

epalzeorhyncus(labeo) frenatus(the REDFINNED SHARK)or
epalzeorhynus(labeo) bicolor (the REDTAILED BLACK SHARK)

oh ps live food should do the trick if its a red fin or a red tail
my shark is completely black, he is morulius chryophekadion

right now he is about 8" in lenght and about 3.5" in girth

he is still a little shy when lights are on when off he wil swim around alot

dont think he will eat my danios cause he cant catch them plus they have good hiding spots in my tank

but you think live food will help better than flake?
CRAZED55 said:
my shark is completely black, he is morulius chryophekadion

right now he is about 8" in lenght and about 3.5" in girth

he is still a little shy when lights are on when off he wil swim around alot

dont think he will eat my danios cause he cant catch them plus they have good hiding spots in my tank

but you think live food will help better than flake?
You'll be very suprised what he can catch, I am with judcoynehunter on this one. Your Gaint Dainios are likely to be killed as the Shark grows, we are just warning you. :)
since you have a black shrk what would you suggest putting in for tank mates

right now he is in a 55 gallon tank

will be moved in the next 6 months to a 175 gallon or a 200 gallon tank
for awhile till i save for my big one or start my pond

what should tank levels be at
i have read several different formats saying it does not have a specific chart to follow as long as water stays clean -_-
:D pleco will be fine large cat fish i really dont know what fish are suitable for this fish i suggest you do a google search on black sharks (this should give you more informatoin on them) :unsure:
searches have given me cherry barbs, bala,blue danio, giant danio, white cloud, zebra danio, harlequin rasbora, flying fox, green tiger barb, red-tailed shark, rosy barb,tiger barb and a tinfoil

others on this forum have told me that they will not survive with my bs

if anyone has any suggestion please inform me of some

i was also suggested cichlids can be tank mates no more than 2 of different kind :unsure:
The best tankmates for blacksharks are large non aggressive fish that will stay out of its way, tinfoil barbs, bala sharks, or other large cyprinids which are over 6" are the best choices. Im going to actually agree with crazed in that black sharks are not known for being predatory, they are omnivors and may feed on dead fish but as a rule they are not piscavors, they are bad tempered and aggressive but not predators really.
CRAZED55 said:
searches have given me cherry barbs, bala,blue danio, giant danio, white cloud, zebra danio, harlequin rasbora, flying fox, green tiger barb, red-tailed shark, rosy barb,tiger barb and a tinfoil

others on this forum have told me that they will not survive with my bs

if anyone has any suggestion please inform me of some

i was also suggested cichlids can be tank mates no more than 2 of different kind :unsure:
:eek: :sly: cfc tells you earlier on in this topic that his BS bullied his red devil cichlid his brachi and another fish i cant remember these fish are hardy fish but the BS bullied them i dont know to what extent but i suppose it was significant enough

It wasnt a RD it was a Buttikofferi, a big nasty cichlid from africa that could make most central american cichlids cry for their mummy's. My black shark would have the butti, 3 bichirs and a snakehead cowering in the corner when it got annoyed and threw a wobbly. My black shark finally had to be rehomed when it started rasping the slime coats off of other fish in the tank at night, it would pin the fish to the gravel and rasp away at them leaving them with big sores. :angry:
I don't think either of us implied that the Dainios would be eaten? We simply meant they would be killed, if a fish like a Black Shark can bullie a Buttikofferi then they really have some temper! So if this is the case how can you expect a Gaint Dainio or White Clouds to survive with a Black Shark for long?

IMO a fully grown large shark being an omnivore (meaning: an animal that feeds on both animal and vegetable substances) is likely to eat a fish that can easily fit in its mouth and in a tank enviroment the fish can also be easily caught and eaten. If the large Black Shark is as you say an Omnivore which it is, than surely this is likely to be the case in most normal circumstances?
just too let you know its been 3 days and my giant danios are swimming with the black shark

they seem not to be afraid of him

my rosy barbs however only come out when the lights are off
does anyone have a solution for this

try to keep natural daylight only for the plants
like i said earlier on billy the black shark will worry anything in his tank from small to big have not found anything to go in with him .
maybe alright now but wait and you will see we are right

hope all goes well whatever you do, but am not going to keep repeating myself
my shark is not carnivorous, he is omnivorious and will only eat plants

If a fish is omnivorous it will eat anything, meat or veg, so on the basis of sheer size I'd advise against housing it with anything not large enough to defend itself or one day you may find its tankmates disappearing :blink:

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