Need ideas?! :)

Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
:look: I am getting a new tropical tank. It will be roughly 70 litres (15 US gallons) and I am unsure of what stock to add to it. Any ideas? :blink: :p I know that I want 4 guppies and 3-4 kuhli loaches, but what else?
I don't think loaches would do too well in a 15 gallon tank. :dunno:

Since you are getting lots of fry (or are expecting them), why not make it a growout tank?
It appears to me, with the number of time you have created posts identical to this, you are unsure of what to do, not that experienced in fish keeping or dont like the advice youve been given so far! Thats ok, what is this forum for! So down to business the guppies sound like a good idea but beware because they will mate! You can sell these off to an lfs tho. Id recommend 3 khulis as whilst that is pushing it slightly if they are the only bottom feeding fish it should be fine. 2 dwarf gouramis or red honey gouramis would also be good and then theres golden barbs, cherry barbs, neon tetras, cardinal tetras, black widow tetras, bleeding heart tetras, black phantom tetras, x-ray tetras, lemon tetras.....! U get my point, these are all shoaling fish and so any of these in a shoal would do well in a 70litre.

Any other questions?
Yeah thanks! In my other tropical tanks I have lots of different shoaling tetras so I was pretty sure I was going to buy some of them anyway! :p So you think it would be ok if I kept some guppies, kuhlis, and gouramis too? You see the thing is I'm getting the tank for Christmas and I'm not sure exactly what size it's going to be! That's why I've been so unsure! And I just wanted some different opinions! My eight year old brother has hinted to me that the tank is very big, though, so I'll just have to wait and see! :D
I'm not sure! :/ I thought 70 litres must have been more than 15 gallons but that's what someone said yesterday.
Depends on US/UK Gallons US gallons are smaller (isnt everything in america sposed to be bigger :p ) 1 UK gallon is equal to 4.54 Litres.

About the fish, i think the 4 guppies, 3 kuhlis and a pair of gouramis would be fine so enjoy them...!

Merry Christmas

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