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Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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so i have this fish in my 63 gallon at 21 C and is doing great... It is active by day and is almost always "glued" to the glass, eating any algae (i don't have any algae on the glass since i got the fish) it can find. But it also eats flakes, worms, tubifex, catfih pellets (well everything really :) ) so I presume it isn't strictly herbivor...
I bought that fish from my locyl pet shop and it was mixed together with CAEs. I could imediately tell that was not a Cae and suspected it was a garra sp., there was one or two more fish like that the seller told me. I only bought one (at the price of CAE, since they didn't know what it was) and am now sorry i didnt buy the other fish as well but hay, what can you do...

Even after doing some research at home i still think it is garra. But I know there are over 100 species of garra and some are tropical while some are more colder water fish...i hope mine likes colder water, it does seem to like it...
The garra I have is not overly teritorial, it gets along well with other fish. i also have SAE in there (I know 21 is a bit cold for them but they are thriving and I had them for 2 yrs) and there is no fighting between them and garra.

OK, enough said, here are the photos - sorry, they are not the best quality, I only have a cell phone...
So what do you think - which species?





On the glass, you can see its barbels


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