Need Help!!!


New Member
Jun 23, 2004
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Hi I'm going to be starting a 55 or 75 gallon saltwater tank. I have been reading all sorts of stuff. I have been hearing about only needing live rock , live sand , and a protein skimmer. Is this true? I was planning on a wet/dry filter or a hang on filter but I wanted the live rock and sand anyways. Will the tank work well with that set up. I will probably only have fish and inverts. Any suggestions would be great
There are a multitude of ways to run a marine tank. Yes its possible to run a reef setup without any other filtration than you have mentioned. I dont even run a protien skimmer. This is called the Miracle mud eco system and works very well indeed. Just Live rock, Mineral mud and caulerpa.

However, there are other ways.. The berlin method, Live rock and skimmer or you can add trickle filters etc.
All have their advantages and disadvantages. Just as many reefers here will have their own views as to what is best for their system.

IMO i personally prefer the natural system (eco system). as all of the types of filters in the tank will finish the nitrogen cycle. Other filtration methods tend to crate nitates and then stop there. Live rock and caulerpa will turn nitrates to nitrogen which is totally harmless and will be released into the atmosphere.

The downside of this type of filter though is that it really only works in a sump. it wil be very hard to make this type of filtration with no sump.
I'm planning on setting up a 55 or 75 gallon reef to! The filtration I'm planning to use is a protein skimmer, HOB filter and live rock (the HOB filter is just for big bits of stuff in the water.
Besides that, how are you planning to stock your tank? Might as well share info since we're on the same page :D

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