Need Help With Stocking/transfer


Mostly New Member
Dec 22, 2015
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I have a 100 Gallon currently cycling. I plan on moving my Dragon Goby from a freshwater aquarium. Does anyone know what would be a good salinity for the initial transfer? What should I eventually raise it to and over how long of a period?
Also, what are good fish to go with the Goby? I've been eyeballing Scats or Monos and Figure 8s. I'm also leaving a small space open at top where wood protrudes from the water, would it be possible to keep any species of crabs?
I can only address the initial question:
The salinity of the tank when making the transfer should be identical to the salinity of the tank being transferred from.  You could start raising the salinity of the goby in its current tank, slowly to the level that it should eventually be kept at.  How slowly?  Not sure.
A bit of research and I found this:
This species requires brackish water at least 1/4 the strength of marine water (preferably between 1.005-1.015 sg). The substrate should consist of several inches of soft sand, as it likes to spend a lot of time at least partially buried. Other hiding places and decor can be in the form of bogwood, smooth rocks and lengths of plastic tubing for the fish to hide in.
eaglesaquarium said:
I can only address the initial question:
The salinity of the tank when making the transfer should be identical to the salinity of the tank being transferred from.  You could start raising the salinity of the goby in its current tank, slowly to the level that it should eventually be kept at.  How slowly?  Not sure.
EA's suggestion would depend upon how much salinity the other tankmates in the freshwater tank can tolerate. 
Good point. I was under the impression the goby was alone in its current habitation.
eaglesaquarium said:
Good point. I was under the impression the goby was alone in its current habitation.
The tank has Discus, so raising salinity is a definite no no. Should I leave the 100 Gallon freshwater when I transfer him?
chadschuster0321 said:
Good point. I was under the impression the goby was alone in its current habitation.
The tank has Discus, so raising salinity is a definite no no. Should I leave the 100 Gallon freshwater when I transfer him?
I would suggest that.  Let him acclimate for a few days to the new tank, and then raise the salinity after that.
eaglesaquarium said:

Good point. I was under the impression the goby was alone in its current habitation.
The tank has Discus, so raising salinity is a definite no no. Should I leave the 100 Gallon freshwater when I transfer him?
I would suggest that.  Let him acclimate for a few days to the new tank, and then raise the salinity after that.

I would agree with that.

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