Need Help With My New Plants I Brought :)


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2010
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north somerset
i brought some java fern of ebay and it has just come. ive always had fake plants and im really happy finally got some real ones. they look so much nicer, really want them to live! ive read there rally easy to care for and dont need any help really so thats good seeins its the first real plant ive had. anyway i wanted to know can u plant them ino the gravel because ive always seen them tied to bog wood and i swear i read somewhere about not planting them. can somone clear this up for me? i brought 5 java ferns and i have 3 attached to my bog wood and i have two attached to a stone. but would really like to plant them into my gravel if possible?

thank you
Java Fern does better being attached to something like wood and rocks. I had mine sat on top of the gravel (not planted) in the tank for a while until i was able to find a suitable rock to attach it to.
I dont know if its just the Rhizome part of the plant that needs to be out in the open or if the roots do too... hopefully someone better than me (anyone LOL) will come along soon to answer. I did wonder if the plant would survive with the rhizome exposed but the roots planted
Secondly, the roots of Java Fern are primarily used to attach the plant to the substrate. Many people like to attach Java Fern to a piece of rock or driftwood. The easiest way to do this is to use a piece of thread or fishing line to tie the rhizome of the plant into place on the object where you want it to grow. Eventually the roots of the fern will grow into any irregularities of the surface and the plant will be held firmly in place. You can then cut the thread or simply leave it in place. Some people prefer black thread for this because it blends in better with the fern's roots

If you choose to plant Microsorium pteropus on the actual aquarium substrate then it is essential that you do not bury the rhizome. The easiest thing to do is use some small rounded pebbles to weigh the plant down at various points on the rhizome until the roots can anchor the plant to the substrate

from a google search
any idea how long it takes for the roots to attach them self onto the bog wood? so then i can take of the cotton thread thats holding them on
i'm not sure how long it takes for it to attach to the wood, sorry.
i have two pieces of Java fern, one that i attached to the rock and one that i sat on top of the gravel loose - it doesn't float or move around. The one on top of the gravel has approx. four new leaves compared to the one on the rock with only two :) So, not attaching them to anything can be done

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