Need Help With My 10g Tank


New Member
Sep 21, 2006
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Okay I'm new to the world of fish, so could you guys help out this newcomer? Anyways I have a 10g tank in my room with 2 filter going at once I have a under gravel filter, and a sponge filter. Next I have 3 live plants in my tank. For the fishes I have 2 small angel fish, 2 discus (1 big, 1 small), 1 albino cory, and a black ghost knife fish. I use to have an alge eater but it died this morning. I have a question do you guys think I need an alge eater in my tank can my tank surrive without it? Do I still have room for any other fishes? If my tank can live without the agle eater, what other fish do you guys think I should get to replace the alge eater? how many fish can I have in my 10g tank? Any suggestions?
how long have you had your tank is ther algae already growing because that could be why your algae eater died
ther are cirtain algae eaters that will only grow up to 2" and can be brought ask your LFS about thwem i cannot rember ther name

as for having some of you fish they will grow acually quite big like your angel fish big fish in small tank will never really work
how long have you had your tank is ther algae already growing because that could be why your algae eater died
ther are cirtain algae eaters that will only grow up to 2" and can be brought ask your LFS about thwem i cannot rember ther name

as for having some of you fish they will grow acually quite big like your angel fish big fish in small tank will never really work

I had my tank for almost about a week now. Yea the white fugus started appear 2 days ago, but it appeared on the roots of the plants first I think it spreaded on my algae eater and thats how it died. I think im not gonna get anymore fish but should I get an algae eater again?
Okay I'm new to the world of fish, so could you guys help out this newcomer? Anyways I have a 10g tank in my room with 2 filter going at once I have a under gravel filter, and a sponge filter. Next I have 3 live plants in my tank. For the fishes I have 2 small angel fish, 2 discus (1 big, 1 small), 1 albino cory, and a black ghost knife fish. I use to have an alge eater but it died this morning. I have a question do you guys think I need an alge eater in my tank can my tank surrive without it? Do I still have room for any other fishes? If my tank can live without the agle eater, what other fish do you guys think I should get to replace the alge eater? how many fish can I have in my 10g tank? Any suggestions?

Wait its 10 gallons? 2 angel fish.. 2 discus? your tank is way way 2 small let alone the bad match...
you shouldnt even have 1 discus in a 10gallon tank... you should try 2 take your fish back.. and ask the guy at the petshop what 2 get! a neon or something... sorry if im nippy... but you shouldve asked here before you got the fish. none of your fish are happy trust me.

when did u set all this up? did you cycle? pls tell me you did ! lol
Angel Fish minimum tank size- 30
Discus minimum tank size- 50
Black Ghost Knife Fish minimum tank size- 50

As you can see, they Fish Store that you bought them from has no clue what they're talking about :angry: . None of these three fish could physically live in a 10 gallon. I would say go back to the LFS, talk to the manager and inform them that someone sold you fish thats minimum requirements are 50 gallons.

Also just as a suggestion (and part of this learning experience) you now know how many LFS sell fish for profit only and have no interest in the happiness of the live animals they're selling. I would suggest reading up on these boards because the people on here aren't trying to turn a profit, instead they share the same interest and all of us have learned from our mistakes.
Black Ghost knifes need even more than a 50 Gallon Now not to be nippy but if the discus are large and also the angel than common sense by the owner should come into play however if they are all small fish I can see why you got them as yes they are great fish but not even close to the right tank size
if you cant take them back then post your location.

maybe someone can swap for some more stuiable fish.

and yea, BGK's need atleat 80 gallons + IMO.

they reach up to 20" so you need a tank atleast that wide cos there not that bendy.
So, to sum up, the only one of the fish you've currently got that can live in that tank for any length of time is the cory- and I'd say even that is cutting it fine, particularly as they are a schooling fish and need companions. And an albino is likely to be either a bronze or a peppered, which can get to 3 inches.

If I were you I would either return all the fish to the shop, or return all the fish except the cory and get him a couple of mates.

This is what you could fit into a 10 gallon tank (once it is cycled):

3 albino corys and a pair of honey gouramis
4 pygmy corys and a school of 6 small tetras (neons, glowlights or similar)
3 female platies or platies and 4 pygmy corys
6 harlequin rasboras

No fish that grows over 3 inches when adult, no fish that needs a lot of swimming space/

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