Need Help With Lda24


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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I bought what I thought was 3 x LDA25 pitbull pleco, I have only ever seen 2 of them hang out together, I figured one was dead or hiding.

Then yesterday and today I've seen the third one but it's not the same markings as the other 2. This one is brown with gold flecks, but the same size and the same sort of features. I looked it up and found there is an LDA24 Parotocinclus sp. Recife - but it gets to 20cm?!

But when I looked up LDA24 on google images it looked nothing like my fish!

I'm a bit confused, I can't take a picture because my camera's not up to the job but if anyone can show me any more pics of the LDA24 so I can compare, that would be good.
I think that's it! Brill thanks - - - do they not have a L number?
It sounds like it's a Parotocinclus spilosoma (Gold Spot Dwarf Pleco)

info here -> [URL=""][/URL]

I have one of these, they stay small but are more loners than the pitbull plec. I used to have 2 and they always kept their distance from each other.

took the works out of my mouth :)

Looks like your another to add to the list of people that have got a "GSD" stowaway :)
They don't appear to have an L/LDA number but I shouldn't worry too much about it because as you've seen these aren't infallible anyway ;)
They don't appear to have an L/LDA number but I shouldn't worry too much about it because as you've seen these aren't infallible anyway ;)

LOL :blush: not obsessed by L numbers HONEST!!!

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