Need help with Hydrometer


New Member
Jun 29, 2004
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Hey all,
I bought a hydrometer today. I got the kind that looks like a thermometer with sponge thingies on them. anyways, everytime I put it in the water, it seems like the sponge is holding it higher then it needs to. Can anyone walkthrough a dummy how to do this? Thanks!
Is this the kind that floats in the tank? I haven't ever used one, i prefer the swing arm hydrometer or even better a refractometer for the best results. I have never heard about the floating ones being accurate. What reading does it give you?
I got one with those tricky sponge thingies on them. What I did was slowly take the sponge thingies off and then put the gague in the water. It worked wonders for me. :) Just picking on you. My hydrometer came with the sponge too, it is just for packaging. At least mine were. Good luck with it.
Where the top of the water is on the hydrometer thats where you take the reading, if the water level is above the green marking on the hydrometer there is not enough salt and more salt needs to be added, if the top of the water is below the green marking there is to much salt and fresh water needs to be added.
Also realize that these may be calibrated to test at a certain water temperature, ie; 77 degrees.. Check that out because you have to adjust your readings depending on the temperature of your water..
Goes Very in depth about specific gravity and salinity.. Reefkeeping Magazine is an awesome resource..
For those using regular generic hydrometers like myself, the top of the water is not where you take the measurement. The water curves upwards naturally on the basic hydrometers and you are supposed to take the reading at the plain of the waters surface, not where it curves up to.
If anyone has some spare cash, i heartily recomend Refractometers.

Some might say they arean expense that can wait but when we consider the fact that the SG of the tank is the entire environment our stock will live in its important we keep it as accurate as possible.

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