Alder cones, cattapa leaves etc also meant to help reduce chances of fungus... they are prone to fungus, so being able to separate out the eggs a bit, examine them with a good light or even magnifying glass and remove any that have fungus growing, to try to prevent it spreading to other eggs.
If you happen to keep neocaridina shrimp in another tank, I'd pop a couple in with the eggs & fry. They won't bother healthy eggs, or fry, but are good "nannies" and clean up crew. I keep shrimp as well anyway, then read about them being useful for cleaning cory eggs, and have added them to eggs I've collected since! Along with alder cone, moss, and once the fry are a few days old, some sand from the parent tank, changing the sand out every week or so, because of the helpful bacteria it can grow, and changing it because of the nasty stuff that can also develop. If you read through that thread, you'll see at some point I got complacent and had some mass die offs of my cory fry, and moving them to a clean set up with clean sand from another established tank fixed it. So now I'd be religious about changing out the thin layer of substrate.
But all of that is like a week after they hatch, so don't panic, you have time!