Need Help With Ammonia Levels In Tap Water & More


New Member
May 18, 2007
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I really could use some sound advice for my 2 new male Bettas.

I took them home yesterday and put them into 2 1/2 gallon bowls that I am using temporarily as a home for them. I also have a 5 gallon and a 10 gallon tank that I will need to get cycled with these 2 Betta eventually. But for now, here is the problem I am having.

I was on another forum and was told to Use AmQuel and NovAqua to the water in the fish bowls. I went to my local PetSmart (no real Pet shops here in my area unfortunately) and picked up AmQuel PLUS and NovAqua PLUS, which was the only AmQuel product they had in the store. I didn't know there was a difference.

My tap water tests at .50 which is a problem because I am introducing the fish to ammonia right from the start and I need to know how to get that down to 0.

I was told that I could use AmQuel every 2 hours until the ammonia level goes down. I don't have AmQuel...I have AmQuel Plus and the Plus says you can only use one dose in a 24-hour period. Not knowing this at the time, I have already used 3 doses of the AmQuel Plus, so it has overdosed in the both bowls for these 2 Betta.

Should I completely change their bowls and add something else to their water? How can I solve the problem with the tap water beginning at .50 every time I change the water in their bowls for now.

I also have Prime, but was told to use AmQuel. If I did use Prime, would I be able to use NovAqua with that as well? I was told to use AmQuel AND NovAqua in the water.

Any suggestions or advice would truly be appreciated.

I know when I have questions that the pet store can't answer I find the manufacturers site and email them,some have had 1-800 numbers. You should keep the bottles handy so you can read a list of ingredients off if they ask.
Thanks Ms. Wiggle for the list of members with mature media to offer, but none of them are even close to me.

And thank you too, Joy, If I don't get any info on this forum that helps, I may have to call up the number on the bottle.

I really do wish someone would be able to help me here though.
Another thought use bottled water temporary. I did that when I came home with a fish and didn't have any water ready to use., I just wanted to get the little guy out of the poop water asap.
Thanks Joy, I was thinking the same thing. If all else fails right now I could use bottled water in the meantime.

Getting ready to go out and pick up some and search for the regular AmQuel and NovAqua too.

Hopefully that will help. Sigh......just trying to set up a nice home for these little Betta and my tap water has to be a problem!!

So Frustrating!
Does anyone know how long after adding Prime you should test for Ammonia.

As a test I put tap water into a gallon jug and added the 2 drops of Prime it says per gallon. I tested the water for ammonia and it was still .50.

Do I have to wait a couple of hours for the Prime to work, or is it supposed to work instantly??? If so, it is not working instantly for me.

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