Need Help To Feed My Fish


New Member
Jan 25, 2010
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Hi there,
I am new to this so need some help.
I did my fishless cycle (no problem there following the good advices found of this website), planted my tank. My water readings are perfect. So far textbook beginning.
3 days ago, I introduced my first fish:
- 2 endlers
- 6 cory habrosus
- 2 crystal shrimps
(I am maturing my tank further before getting a German blue ram)

I feed my fish twice a day. Not too much, just a tiny pinch.
Aquarian advanced nutrition tropical flake food for the endlers
Tetraprima mini granules for the corys
Hikari tropical shrimp cuisine for the shrimps

Now I am very puzzled by what is happening.
The endlers do not seem to eat the flakes (they try it ans spit it. is that normal behavior?) and try to find food at the bottom of the tank.
I tried to give my corys some bloodworm, but they do not seem interested in that. They spend their time foraging around (as corys should do), but when they come across some food, they do not seem too interested either.

How do I check that my fish are eating?
Can you tell me if this is normal and what I need to do if not.

thanks in advance
Fish sometimes spit out food that is too big to swallow. Try crushing th eflakes to a powder with your fingers.Endlers have small mouths!

All fish graze on the bottom, looking for snacks between meals. My endlers and guppies do this all the time, it's normal.Can't advise on cories and shrimp as I've never had any
I run a tank of endlers and cories, here is a list of the foods I have found acceptable for both:

Hikari Micro Pellets
Hikari Fancy Guppy
Finely crushed spirulina flakes
Tubifex worms
Baby brine shrimp
Hi i am kinda a newbie myself but I do know that some times fish wont eat for a few days after been added to a new tank. Fish can go along time with out been fed but if its been over a week maybe you should be ask in your lfs. Test the water, bad water quality might be a factor, they could be stressed.
My endlers love the hikari fancy guppy. I also feed tetra plant flakes, crushed up really fine.
What size is the tank?
Fish try and taste food and consider it so would say this is normal. As to the habrosus when feeding the bloodworm have you been crushing it up as whole bloodworm would be too big for them. Also they may also be settling into their surroundings, keep an eye on them pehaps get a log book and see how they go over the next couple of days

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