Need help stocking a 30 gal

Kaden Doke

New Member
Jul 27, 2017
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So I have a small shrimp colony in my 30 gal. I was wondering if I could house Cherry Barbs and some Fancy Guppies. If so, how many of each do you think. My tank could be considered heavily planted, my filter is established well, and I have a good amount of experience in the hobby. Thank you.
It depends on the type of shrimp and how big they are. But cherry barbs are small and relatively peaceful so probably won't annoy adult shrimp, but they will eat baby shrimp, as will any fish.

Guppies will be the same as cherry barbs but it depends on what the pH of your water is and how hard the water is. Guppies need hard water with a GH over 200ppm, and a pH above 7.0. If you have soft acid water you should avoid guppies.
It depends on the type of shrimp and how big they are. But cherry barbs are small and relatively peaceful so probably won't annoy adult shrimp, but they will eat baby shrimp, as will any fish.

Guppies will be the same as cherry barbs but it depends on what the pH of your water is and how hard the water is. Guppies need hard water with a GH over 200ppm, and a pH above 7.0. If you have soft acid water you should avoid guppies.

My Ph is 7.6, and they are blue velvet shrimp. I think I’m going to add a few guppies just to help keep the cycle rolling and let the shrimp keep breeding.
Guppy's don't necessarily need hard water. I have guppy's that are doing great and I have very soft water. In a 30 gallon tank you could probably have 10-20 guppy's.

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