Hi jam,
Welcome to the world of the aquarist.
I will attempt to answer your questions and supply you with some basic information on how to set up an aquarium from scratch without technical jargon and mind blowing information overload.
We want to set up a tropical fish tank but have no knowledge whatsoever!
Top budget to set up £150
Firstly buy a little inexpensive beginners book.
If you live in the UK then I would opt for one of the
Juwel range possibly a
Juwel Rekord 70 is an ideal starter set. (you'll get everything for around £100. tank, hood, filter, heater, lighting the works) a complimenting cabinet will be extra. Make sure you site your tank on a sturdy level surface. (these things are extreamly heavy when full)
How many and what sort of fish are best to start with?
Below is a fish list that has worked for me in the past proving a nice peaceful and theraputic environment, that fills all the water layers and remains interesting.
4 Marble Hatchets
6 Black Phantom Tetras
10 Cardinal Tetras
4 Bronze Corydoras catfish
When you get the fish home from your local aquarist shop float the bags in the water for around one hour to eqalise the temperatures.
Above all do not buy fish on impulse without first doing your homework. This small insignificant tip will avoid a lot of heartache for you in the long run.
Do we need to set up the tank and leave to settle before fish are added?
You will hear a lot about cycling and chemical additives on this forum and they are for the most part true but can lead to a lot more problems than they set out to cure.
After washing your substrate (gravel) fill the tank with your tapwater using a 2 gallon bucket. Then plug in all the electrical appratus and set going. Your tank will be cloudy and have bubbles along the inside panes for a few days whereby it will clear. At this point you can do a little aquascaping with rocks plants etc.
Do not add fish for atleast one week to 10 days. Whereby everything should have stabilised and a constant temperature reached.
Every week withdraw 2 gallons of water using you bucket and replenish with fresh from the cold tap (add a little boiled water from the kettle to equalise the temp to nearly the same as the aquarium. Add 1 tablespoon of
Stresscoat to the bucket and thats it.
You will also need to buy a stick on thermometer for the front of the tank and of course some staple flake food for the fishes.
I hope I've covered everything as simply as I can for a beginner and I hope both you and you son will get as many years of enjoyment as I have out of this hobby.