Need Help On 100gal

Your question is rather difficult to answer as there are many oddballs out there. Be more specific and tell us what type of fish you prefer, better yet, give us a list of fish you prefer so that we can help you figure out the best choice or best combination.
I suggest you go through the oddballs index to get some idea about the variety of oddballs available.
Also, it's best you post this in the oddballs section for a better response.
i like rays
african butterfly fish
knife fish

No rays unless for growout.

ABF would be fine but bichirs may take an interest in them.

No bass.

Bichirs should be fine, most commong species at least.

Smaller knife fish, African brown knives, for example, should be fine.
(151 cm) x (64 cm) x (61 cm) = 589.50400 liters

(151 cm) x (64 cm) x (61 cm) = 155.730481 US gallons

(151 cm) x (64 cm) x (61 cm) = 129.672698 Imperial gallons

Most reactions
