Need Help Identifying Catfish

A buddy of mine picked up what was labeled as an "African Catfish" and we can't seem to figure out what it is. Picture is here:

Unknown Catfish

Any ideas? Much appreciated!

well its a Synodontis, lol. but which one? i think it may be a hybrid, though i am far from sure. so an initial id of Synodontis sp
Looks like a off Syno pectrola but their so many simular
Yeah the consensus I seem to be getting is that it is a Hybrid of some sort. Thanks for the help so far guys! I will keep on searching around to see if I can get a definitive answer.
Iv got one 2

I keep two Synodontis Eupterus and a Synodontis nigriventris. i love them. there is something quite cool, about seeing an 8 inch Feather fin swimming by, upside-down!
I doubt it is a hybrid due to the fact most Synodontis catfish are hard to breed in captivity. They aren't extremely difficult to breed but I doubt people would be hybridising them. My guess is a Synodontis petricola or a S. multipunctatus. Also there are plenty of other Synodontis catfish from the rift lakes that look very similar. The owner of the fish needs to talk to the supplier and find out what they say, otherwise check out some of the catfish forums.
I doubt it is a hybrid due to the fact most Synodontis catfish are hard to breed in captivity. They aren't extremely difficult to breed but I doubt people would be hybridising them. My guess is a Synodontis petricola or a S. multipunctatus. Also there are plenty of other Synodontis catfish from the rift lakes that look very similar. The owner of the fish needs to talk to the supplier and find out what they say, otherwise check out some of the catfish forums.

I think you may well be right. but its markings and form, do not correspond to any, known, synose. but they do fit well with the various hybrids that can be found. and i have spent some time on each of the last two days, trawling the catfish forums. the only answer that gives is, hybrid!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the advice, I'm going to stop by the LFS tomorrow to buy some water and will ask the owner. Regardless of what the guy is he is quite perky and holds his own with his Cichlid roomates!
Thanks for the advice, I'm going to stop by the LFS tomorrow to buy some water and will ask the owner. Regardless of what the guy is he is quite perky and holds his own with his Cichlid roomates!

yep, they can be feisty individuals. one of my Eupterus is, as i have said, 8 inches. the other is just 4, but the little guy gives no quarter, and asks none.
I doubt it is a hybrid due to the fact most Synodontis catfish are hard to breed in captivity. They aren't extremely difficult to breed but I doubt people would be hybridising them. My guess is a Synodontis petricola or a S. multipunctatus. Also there are plenty of other Synodontis catfish from the rift lakes that look very similar. The owner of the fish needs to talk to the supplier and find out what they say, otherwise check out some of the catfish forums.
They don't have any problems breeding the synos as they use hormone stimulation (see this article). I'd say the fish above has at least one african lake syno parent.
I doubt it is a hybrid due to the fact most Synodontis catfish are hard to breed in captivity. They aren't extremely difficult to breed but I doubt people would be hybridising them. My guess is a Synodontis petricola or a S. multipunctatus. Also there are plenty of other Synodontis catfish from the rift lakes that look very similar. The owner of the fish needs to talk to the supplier and find out what they say, otherwise check out some of the catfish forums.
They don't have any problems breeding the synos as they use hormone stimulation (see this article). I'd say the fish above has at least one african lake syno parent.
this is how i understand it. so many of the different synos can interbreed, hybrids are not at all unusual!

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