Need Help Identifying Betta


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Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 10, 2024
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Hello! I'm new to the forum and I just got a new Betta a couple of days ago. I got it at Petco and it was labeled as a baby girl. It's definitely a baby but I'm not quite sure it's a girl. It also has some very interesting and beautiful colors. If anyone would be able to tell me the gender and possibly what type of Betta it is I would greatly appreciate it!
To me, that's a young male Betta splendens. It's really common for young males to be mixed with females, and that's caused many a problem for people setting up "sororities".
He looks like he'll be nice.
That's definitely a young male Betta splendens. It happens quite often that when a retailers orders female bettas, that there can be young males among them. For young males loook like females before they'll show their male traits.
To me, that's a young male Betta splendens. It's really common for young males to be mixed with females, and that's caused many a problem for people setting up "sororities".
He looks like he'll be nice.
Honestly, if someone is setting up a sorority, they should expect problems.
Thank you for all of the help! I suppose I'll have to change the name now but oh well. Does anyone have an idea on what fin variety he might have, or is he still too young to know?
I'm not an expert so am basing this only on my personal experience but he looks like he could be an alien betta of some sort? I have one and he looks similar to mine in terms of fins, but I could very well be wrong!
It was labeled as a baby at the pet store. Is it possible for the babies to be any fin type?
Very young bettas haven't finished growing their fins yet, so if he really is very young the fins could change over the next few months. I think the only thing you can say for sure is that he's not a crowntail, but he could grow up into any other tail type. It's just wait and see for now.
Thank you everyone for all the wonderful help!

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