Need Help - Ich Cured, Now Cloudy Eyes, Blotchy Spots?


New Member
Oct 7, 2011
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Help! Last Sunday I noticed that my freshwater aquarium fish had broken out in a mild case of ich (irredescent sharks, kissing gouramis, African leaf fish, clown loach, pleco, beta, sail-fin mollies, angels). I believe I cured the ich by removing filter carbon, using malachite green, turning up the heat to 86 and using salt, but now the fish havey cloudy eyes and blotchy spots. They are visibly stressed too - some are running into things/darting around, others are way lethargic. I have had one casualty (the female mollie), but I'm pretty sure if I don't do something, I'm going to have more. What is this new ailment? Is the slime coat toast? My tank is well established (about 1 y.o.), and I checked water levels last night and everything was fine except the PH was high (which is odd for my tank) at 8.4. I changed 50% of the water, and treated the PH immediately - it is back to normal range this morning. I don't get this! Help... I don't want to lose my gilled friends.
How much salt did you use? I never liked the idea of using salt in a freshwater set-up because 1) table salt isn't ideal 2) I've no way to measure the salinity or SG levels and 3) some plants & fish can't tolerate it, especially scaleless fish like your Pleco.
What size is this tank out of curiosity? Could you possibly list the actual water parameters just to rule that out.

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