Need Help Getting Info On A Plec


Fish Fanatic
Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score

Just picked up some plecs from my LFS, was sold them as figure eight plecs but can't find any information on them Anyone help

Will try to post some pics tomorrow.

Hope these pics are of better quality

A picture speaks a thousund words...

sounds like your lfs has used a few of those thousand to make up a name :)
Sorry no pic yet, neice has borrowed the camera and not brought it back yet
Those pictures are very blurry but they look like most likely some type of hillstream loach, possibly some sort of gastromyzon. They are river fish that need cooler water and a lot of current.
Those pictures are very blurry
Do you have a macro mode on your camera? It usually has a logo of a little flower. This will help you focus on them when they are close up. Also I find it best not to use any zoom. If you light the room well then the shutter speed will be faster and the blurring less. I think there's a pinned topic about how to take photos in the member's photo section.

Good Luck :good:
Think your right about it being a gastromyzon, TammyLiz, as web search brought up some similar species.

Big thanks for that, as this gives me a starting point.

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