Need Help Choosing What Kind Of Plec To Get!


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Okay, so I have a fully cycled tank which has been set up for two months now. I had two otos in the bottom before, but I recently moved them to my ten gallon tank, so the bottom looks pretty empty. I've done some research on different plecs, but I'm just not sure what would suit my tank. :/ Below are the tank's stats, any suggests, tips or anything would be greatly appriciated!

-30 gallons
-4 swordtails (1 male, 3 female)
-medium-large gravel
-two large filters and a strong air pump, so quite a bit of current
-one large cave, one small cave, and a few plants
-2 pieces of monapi driftwood
-7 ph
-27 degrees C
thanks for the link! Does anyone know which ones are best at cleaning algae?
I had been considering bristlenoses. Would my tank be suited to house one or two of them?
yes, get one if you dont want them to breed like mad becuase they doo!
I'd actually really like them to breed, but I'm not sure if 30g is big enough for a pair... :/
okay, great! I've seen tons of bristlenoses around, so eventually, I'll get a pair. I'm hoping for a normal male and albino female. :D
The king tiger and queen arabesque are nice plecs and grow 6-7" max

sadly i lost my queen arabesque (cause unknow) and not seen another locally to me in ages

bristlenose are easy to get hold of. albino bristlenose make a nice change to the normally brown ones
what is the difference between albino BNs and normal BN's apart from colour and a slight size difference? you could look at bulldog plecs. they are good, and eat algae. google them
I don't think king and queen plecs eat algae though

beside looks, I don't believe there is a difference, and I'll try googling it, thanks!
No probs. anything else feel free to ask or Pm me
thanks, will do. as for the bulldog plec, he looks like a good choice, I'll have to do more research, visit my fish store, etc, before I make any decisions though!

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