Need Emergency Help.

From what I'm finding, Hartz chlor-out deals with chlorine & chloramine. It does nothing for the resulting ammonia from the chloramine being split into it's components, chlorine & ammonia.

Pick up a bottle of Prime.
Little late to go out to the pet store right now, and the tank is already empty, so should I fill it with water and the chlor-out now, and add some prime tomrrow?
Ok, something very strange, as I was about to put the filters back into the units, I saw some long black tubelike things I thought were fish waste, but they were moving! Any idea what the heck these things are? they are only on 1 of the 4 filters.
After the tear down and using stress zyme and the chlore out and adding extra carbon to my filters, my ammonia tests went from off the charts past 7.5ppm to .25 ppm, tomorrow ill get some prime and add it to the tank and take it from there, sadly my tank will now be empty and I'll only have 2 tetras left and 2 cat fish and my pleco. I learned my lesson on testing for ammonia every so often and I wont make the mistake again.
0 Nitrates/Nitrites
Hardness is 75
Alkalinity is between 180-300
PH is 8.4, but my ph has always been high
Glad your'e sorting things out with water quality.
Worried now about them parasites things, can you describe them in more detail, is it possible to get a pic of them in a jar.
They were little black wormlike things less than an inch long and digging into the fibers of the filter, I cant get a pic as I got as many as I could and put the filters back in, there werent alot of them and they were only on that one filter, any ideas?
No I don't know what they are.
Just check fish for sores and puncture wounds to be on the safe side.
Kinda hard, out of about 33 fish, I only have 5 left, 2 tetras, 2 cat fish and my pleco, but they dont havy wounds of any kind so im assuming they are harmless.
That good then as sores and puncture wounds are a sign parasite are feeding on the fish.
Ok. I added the prime and the ammonia levels went down a tonm .25 ppm, but it wont go any lower, is this alright?

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