Need Educated Opinions


Jan 2, 2012
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So, I have a 75g freshwater tank. heat sits at 77 degrees. sand bottom, have aquatic wood, but cant keep live plants. semi-soft water
I currently have the following stock:
3 platys (one orange, one silver, one yellow spotty)
11 swordtails (two marigold, 9 red wag)
5 blackskirt tetras--- willing to try rehoming these if i can catch them...
6 false julii corys
1 synodontis eupteras
1 BN plec
1 opaline gourami
Im looing for suggestions on adding ONE other type of fish.
either single or schooling fish
MUST BE 1.5 inches minimum(syno and tetras bully smaller)
NOT orange
No more livebearers...
What i want from you:
Suggestions. along with what concerns and what care they require. Will they get along with what I have?
Emperor tetras are quuuiiiite big. You ought to see them. Really cool fins too :p
Am being a derp, google congo tetras. Those are the ones you want :|.

Although emperors are quite big congo tetras are just huge :p
I have a shoal of congo's, lovely fish.
I really need to get more pictures of my tank sorted out.
Anyway, they're definitely not orange, they are fairly active though and are indeed quite large when grown. Mine are in with some rosy barbs and ellioti and are holding their own well.
techen said:
Am being a derp, google congo tetras. Those are the ones you want

Although emperors are quite big congo tetras are just huge
The congos look redorange to me... and dont big tetras eat smaller fish?
I know my black skirts are bullies
DrRob said:
I have a shoal of congo's, lovely fish.
I really need to get more pictures of my tank sorted out.
Anyway, they're definitely not orange, they are fairly active though and are indeed quite large when grown. Mine are in with some rosy barbs and ellioti and are holding their own well.
Would i need to replace the black skirts with them?
Skirts are mostly bullies in too small a group, a group of 5 is borderline.  A group of 10 would be very good.
RE: emperor tetras - I wouldn't call them big.  In fact, I'd call them 'small'.  They only grow to about 1.5 inches.  I think techen was thinking of "penguin" tetras, which grow to about 3 inches.
Congos, on the other hand, also grow to about 3 inches.
Similarly sized tetras would include: red eye (or lampeye) tetras, bleeding heart tetras and white skirt tetras.
As for catching the skirts - remove a good bit of the water and use TWO nets (or one net and your hand to corral them).  Less water in the tank means less room to escape the net.
Could I maybe do something other than tetras? The fish I have work well, but I was looking for something "different". Not sure if thats even reasonable given my current stock
I suppose giant danios, leopard danios, or even zebra danios.
coyemuse2 said:
1-2 Rainbow sharks?
Would they get along with my syno annd cories?
Rainbow sharks should be fine, they are very calm fish, i have one in with my 3 bristlenose plecs, male betta, guppies and gourami

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