need dog help!


Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2004
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i have a question for those dog lovers out there.
my normally clumsy and nice 2 year old dog dog will bite the other dogs wen they come up and sniff his rear, its kinda funny until the other dog owner doesnt listen and gets in a fight, and we have no clue why he does this, anyone have any suggestions for me?
He probably feels threatened. You should put him on a lead when you see other dogs coming, or call him over and hold him. Warn the other owner that your dog could bite their dog and let them pass on their way. When they have gone let your dog go. You have to control his behaviour or next time he could bite a child.
hes a black lab mix (id show u a pic but i dont have any)
i just cant see him bitin kids hes really good about that, even when they come up behind him.
wats castrated???
my dog does the same thing. shes all nice and the dog begins to sniff and my dog goes crazy. but when it comes to little kids and women shes nice, notice i didnt say men, shes always barking at them but after a few mins she becomes friends with them. so i probaly wouldnt worry about

i believe its usualy depends on how the dog is brought up. did ur dog grow up meeting dogs often and playing with them? was he around people alot?

has ur dog been fixed?
he is fixed
im pretty sure he has been around dogs when he was young
we bought him on vacation and couldnt fly him back with us so he stayin in a really nice boarding place that hade a few other dogs. then the next year we had to drive to idaho from chicago to bring him back(sry about the exta crud)
Is it possible that he had a bad experience with another dog when he was younger? Dogs that have something traumatic happen to them in the "puppy imprint stage" are more likely to have a problem when they are older...and it's also harder to fix.

During puppy classes my dog was attacked(this dog thought that he was playing though) by a Great Dane puppy from behind. His paws were almost the size of my dogs head at the time and her was chasing him and clawing him with them. The whole thing probably lasted a few seconds but ever since then he has been afraid of anything(not humans and especially dogs) that come from behind.

Now there are two ways that dogs deal with things like that. It's called "fight" and/or "flight" behaviour. They can also have a combination of both. My dog (being scared) has flight behaviour as he runs away when a dog approaches him. That's not to say that he will never bite and dogs will and can bite from being scared. He hasn't tried that once as of yet.
Your dog seems to have "fight" behaviour as be becomes aggressive when another dog approaches him from behind.

It is also possible that he just doesn't like other dogs due to not having enough socialization with them when he was younger.

It's very hard to change this behaviour when they are older. I would go to a professional trainer and keep your dog away from other dogs(or at least away from his bum) for the time being.

Good luck and keep us updated. :)
thank you, i knew you every1 here would give me the best help and suggestions, unfortunatly i wasnt there the first year or 2 when he was a puppy :( . now i have to tell my dad again that he should be traind by somebody.
What do you do to the dog when he bites/fights with the other dog? Do you go down and comfort him or do you tell him off?
Oh, I was wondering because some people comfort their dogs which the dog interprets as praise and will keep doing it therefore.

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