Need Advice!

You are adding fish way too soon after each other. Fish keeping needs to be a patience game. You need to first get your tank cycled as ATM it clearly isn't, you set the tank up and left it two days before getting fish? I've only had 2 fish deaths in 9 months and you have had two in a day. I'm not having ago but you must do your research as its not an easy process and it's very time consuming.
It is not common to have zero nitrate - possible but not common.

OK, silly question. The ammonia and nitrate tests have 2 bottles - you are using both of them? And really shaking nitrate bottle 2 till you arm falls off?
Some people have nitrate in their tap water, but you won't see a rise in nitrate until you're cycled.
I'll also remove the rock & decorations. They are probably fine but just in case remove them until you've sorted the problems out.
They seem to be doing a lot better since i got the test kits and tested twice a day. Also been doing 25% water changes every other day. Lost 4 during the Fish-in cycle but 2 strong guppies and the pleco made it! Thanks for all the help and advice. I've definitely learned my lesson!

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