Need advice on adding a New fish

I have only 3 now but have fairly immediate plans to add 3-4 more. I was just giving my tank some time to be good and balanced first. I also dont want for my mom to have to fool with the quar. tank while im on vacation next week :p
go for 6! I cant wait till my little school is complete :wub:
Yeah, I thought that too. I thought they were supposed to help clean the tank, but instead they make quite a mess themselves (and nothing eats poop that I know of lol..I know I woudn't *yuck* :sick: lol). I had thought about getting and under gravel filter system and trying see if that could help the issue a little, but I'm not real familiar with those kinds of filters..I've never used one or known anyone who has.

But I now have them and I can't just throw them out..but they are quite entertaining though, so it's worth the mess in the long run. I love when they take food away from the fish, or when they shimmy up to the surface and flip upside down and latch on to a piece of food...and the water current (from the filter) blows them across the tank that is so funny..they just cling on and go for a ride :lol:

I found a fish shop that has all 3 varieties. So this evening on my way home I am going to stop by and take a peek at them. I will probably end up getting 6 of one kind, just not sure yet which...seeing them in person all together will probably make the difference.

thanks for your suggestions..I think these little tetra's are going ot work out great!! :thumbs:

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