Okay...I am on a Betta yahoo group. A girl posted that she has a male and female together in a 20 gal and that the male keeps hunting and attacking the female. I tried to be nice and say males and females should never be kept together and this is what she sends me
Penny Clark
to Betta_Crazy
More options 10:36 am (4 hours ago)
Yes. You will probably notice that one establishes Alpha status. But they are good “community” fish.
I am about to put my feet in my mouth on this one. What an idot, pardon my language....any advice on how to correct her without a big battle?
Penny Clark
to Betta_Crazy
More options 10:36 am (4 hours ago)
Yes. You will probably notice that one establishes Alpha status. But they are good “community” fish.
I am about to put my feet in my mouth on this one. What an idot, pardon my language....any advice on how to correct her without a big battle?