Need a small catfish to eat fry


New Member
Jan 9, 2005
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USA, Texas
I have too many fy in my 55 gallon, and I need a small(under 5") to eat them. I'm sorry, but there's just to many. Anyone know of a pretty common one I can find at a LFS? Thanks! :)

My 55g tank currenlty has:

3 Mollies
5 platies
Lots of fry
10 cardinal tetras
3 lemon tetras
2 plecos

My PH is 8.2 btw.

here's a pic of it:


Get a couple of pictus cat - problem sorted :D I have to same sort of fish in my tank but never any fry.

Oh shucks that wont work - your cardinals will be gone in a flash :X

Other option is a couple of Spotted or Striped Raphael (talking catfish) - your cardinals "should" be safe with them.
Not sure about catfish but how about a group of loaches, it's rare i find platy fry in my tank now i have these guys, i have clowns, zebra, chained and khuli but i think its the clowns and zebra that keep the fry population down.

If you don't plan on getting a bigger tank in future then don't get clowns as they will out grow your tank. Take a look at for suggestions for smaller loaches. I recommend zebras as they stay pretty small and are cute, get a group of 3 plus.

Hope this helps

dont get clowns.They will outgrow your tank.i would go with Spotted or Striped Raphael they should be a good choice.They might eat some of your cardinals though!i had these before.they loved fry!But they also loved my tetras.and im not sure on tank size for these guys ether so you might wanna check that out.I still think the Raphael might be your best bet.Some loaches might do the trick too.But some get very big.
I would be careful with the Raphaels, as (though it can take some time) they can reach to around the same size as Pictus. The striped (Platydoras costatus is marked on Planet Catfish as getting longer. And the mouths on them are large enough to take down smaller tetras such as cardinals (I recently bought one around the 4-5" mark and I would say he would have no trouble with a cardinal).

Admitedly they aren't the out and out predator that the pictus are, but I wouldn't feel good about having a fish with a mouth that big in a tank with such smaller fish
don't know if you have tried this, but why not try to sell them to a LFS or give them away??? you could even use a spare bucket and keep them there for a while (until you get rid of them)

you could "earn" what you would spend on a catfish instead :)
shuhu said:
don't know if you have tried this, but why not try to sell them to a LFS or give them away??? you could even use a spare bucket and keep them there for a while (until you get rid of them)

you could "earn" what you would spend on a catfish instead :)
I would guess because it takes several months (mmm approx 5 or so) before they are really large enough to go to a lfs - and you will only get pennies for them if anything. Life bearer fry is hardly worth peanuts - unless you are going to do it on a very large scale.
Cut back on the feeding, they can take care of your of fry on their own :hey: :hey: just a thought. That is the problem with the livebearers they add up so fast. I just started seperating the males and females and my problem seem to stop.
I have a tank of guppies, tetras and coreys and believe me the guppy fry get trimmed/eaten constantly. I have ye old corydoras that look like emeralds bcs of their green sides but are actually leopards(if that's the name, I've had them so long I've forgotten what their name is! AWK). The females are about 3 inches long, the males 2 inches and they'll zip up ANY fry they can catch and they're fast when they want supper! The guppies and the 3 kinds of tetras will snatch any as well. But I don't know if coreys work with mollie or platy fry....I just imagine any fry not paying attention will be lunch! :) Good luck!
bumble bee cats are fun to watch and colourful, some get to 7 inches most only about 5-6 ,they will gobble up fry like theres no tomorrow. but will also eat anything smaller than 1 and a half inches
Unfortunately, any catfish that will eat the fry will also eat other fish if he can catch them and get them in his mouth so the neons may not be safe unless the CF is pretty small AND stays that way.
A pair of Keyhole cichlids would decimate your fry problem quicker than any pictus would. They are micro-predators and will consume the majority of the convict fry which i breed and use as feeders....Usually leaving very few for my pims. There also perfect for a peaceful community tank and wouldn't give your other fish problems.



There not catfish...but a viable solution to your fry problem..They also show much more personality than catfish do. They can be kept solo but do better in pairs IMO.


Just a thought


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