need a quick answer


Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2004
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im goin to be gettin a tank this weekend for my b-day, and, well, we (me and dad) will actually be getting it tomorrow morning, so, but, therer is a glass and plastic version of the tank we might get (eclypse 12g), but we have no clue which kind is better to buy

we need fast answers, we will only be in town tomorrow!
if you like tanks that is always clear and is almost scratchproof, pick. if you like tanks that cloud up and have scatches on it, pick plastic. glass lasts a lifetime if you take care of it.
Well, I haven't had my 5 gal plastic for that long but it seems OK. Glass is heavier, tougher and more scratchproof, and my next tank will probably be glass.
Plastic can only hold small amounts of water (that's why you don't see a 30 gallon plastic tank). Plastic also has the tendency to scrach more easily-but that can be buffed out. The only reason (that I can think of) that companies sell plastic tanks is that they are cheaper.
I would always go with glass.
Here is a reason to go plastic for your first tank.

I believe I read youre getting a 12gallon. If fishkeeping isn't your thing, you'll wish you didn't spend any money on the hobby at all (ergo plastic = cheaper = better choice)

If fishkeeping becomes your thing, you'll wish you had a bigger tank than a 12g. So eventually you'll end up saving to buy a bigger tank and the 12g will be moved to a closet, become a quarintine tank, or at the very best be "the other" tank which is off to the side, still has the bright blue gravel and plastic "no fishing" sign figurine in it, while your new tank has sand and some plants and looks a lot better.

*in actuality I think you should go for glass, I was just playing devils advocate.

another note- please read up in the beginners section for a while, you can save yourself a lot of trouble. I know I wish I would have found it before I started.
I've got an Eclipse 12g and it's great. Now that I've got my feet wet (ark! ark! pun! pun!) with the smaller size tank I'm casting my eyes over the 29g Eclipse. The Eclipse is more expensive than other tanks but they look significantly better imho.

p.s. glass all the way :kana:
you'll regret buying plastic.
glass is stronger and can hold much more water safely. It won't scratch as easliy, and in my opinion (i have both kinds) glass is easier to clean algae off of. I really had to scrub to get rid of it on my plastic tank

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