Need A New Filter


Fish Crazy
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Scotland, Fife
Well as the title says I am in need of a new filter but as I basically have near enough no money I need something thats gonna be good so I don't waste my money. Was also looking at external filters,bit dearer but if there really good I might get one, just need to know though are external filters to loud for a bedroom??? I know nothing about them or how they work lol. For internal filters I was looking to spend £30 max, I just need it as a backup basically for my juwel filter, my tanks is 180ltrs.I was looking at the fluval 4plus but will only pay £30 for it if it's really good. If not then can anybody find a filter suitable for my tank size at a reasonable price??? I tried but can't find much at all. Thanks to all who help :good:
Fluval IMO make the best INternal filters arround. Their exturnals I wouldn't tough with a 50m wooden barge pole :rolleyes: If you want an internal, go fluval.

Exturnals are far supirior to internals, in most peoples opinions. I have converted all my tanks to exturnal now, as I honestly rate internals poorly -_- If shopping on a budget, Tetratec are the best, and an EX700 would suit your tank just about, but the EX1200 would be better. The EX1200's are about £80 delivered ( is the company I use), the EX700 are like £60 ( are the cheapest for these with first time shopper discount) If you have reasonable funds, the nest best in most peoples popinion would be Eheim, more specifically the Pro2 range. Pro1 are basic, Pro 3 unproven, thermofilters are dodgy from any manufacturer, and the Eccos's just aren't up-to-scratch


EDIT to add, exturnals (Fluval being the exception) are quieter than internal filters :nod:
Fluval IMO make the best INternal filters arround. Their exturnals I wouldn't tough with a 50m wooden barge pole :rolleyes: If you want an internal, go fluval.

Exturnals are far supirior to internals, in most peoples opinions. I have converted all my tanks to exturnal now, as I honestly rate internals poorly -_- If shopping on a budget, Tetratec are the best, and an EX700 would suit your tank just about, but the EX1200 would be better. The EX1200's are about £80 delivered ( is the company I use), the EX700 are like £60 ( are the cheapest for these with first time shopper discount) If you have reasonable funds, the nest best in most peoples popinion would be Eheim, more specifically the Pro2 range. Pro1 are basic, Pro 3 unproven, thermofilters are dodgy from any manufacturer, and the Eccos's just aren't up-to-scratch


EDIT to add, exturnals (Fluval being the exception) are quieter than internal filters :nod:

Wow! lol thats more than I was looking for.Just had a look at the filters you mentioned and I think I will go for the EX1200, don't see the point in paying 180 for an eheim filter that does 100 more litres than the tetratec one when I can pay 70 odd pound for the tetratec that is well suited for the tank.When I do get the money I'm def gonna look into the EX1200.Thanks so much for your help :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:
Well as the title says I am in need of a new filter but as I basically have near enough no money I need something thats gonna be good so I don't waste my money. Was also looking at external filters,bit dearer but if there really good I might get one, just need to know though are external filters to loud for a bedroom??? I know nothing about them or how they work lol. For internal filters I was looking to spend £30 max, I just need it as a backup basically for my juwel filter, my tanks is 180ltrs.I was looking at the fluval 4plus but will only pay £30 for it if it's really good. If not then can anybody find a filter suitable for my tank size at a reasonable price??? I tried but can't find much at all. Thanks to all who help :good:

With Price in mind I would go for the Tetra Tec 1000 It's just about within your price range and as the tetra name suggests is of the highest quality.

Adz :)
well I finally bought the tetratec ex700 and got it setup today, amazed at it how quiet it actually is, only thing is I recently read that people have the same filter and they have been leaking, what do I do if this happens? I have my tank upstairs so if it leaks I'm pretty screwed.
They have leaked from the taps in the other threads. If this happens to you, remove the taps from the hoses (after draining them first) and push them over the hose addapter unit (may require hot water to make the pipes more flexible). Secure the pipe in place uning a jubillee clip and contact Tetra customer services for a replacement set of taps :good:

Most cases of these filter leaking exist with the filters from the first few production runs or from abuse of the filters. The taps of the origional design wern't all that good, but Tetra have now swapped out the old taps and retrofitted any faulty fiter with a set of re-designed ones usualy without even asking to see proof of purhase :good:

As a rule, all seals in any filter should be replaced every 1-2years. If you don't keep good seals in the filters, you get leaks. This detail has also been left out of the Tetra manuals, hence why some of the older models are now leaking; customers diden't know they needed to refit new seals as part of filter maintanance. That is about my only critisisum of Tetra, their manuals assume you already have a good knowlage of exturnal filter maintanance and running....


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