Need A Little Help


New Member
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
Leeds, Uk
Just wondered what i could put into my new
18 us gallon tank. Would appreciate
your thoughts. Thanks
I'd start of with something hardy, some form of danio or one of the hardier tetra species, maybe some platies. Then panda cory's, rams (or bolivian rams if you prefer), honey gourami's and a few otocinclus perhaps? Possibly some cardinal tetra's later if you like the look of them.
Any particular fish you like? Give us an idea of what you were thinking and them people could advise you on the numbers, suitability etc :)
Any particular fish you like? Give us an idea of what you were thinking and them people could advise you on the numbers, suitability etc :)

ive started with two pairs of tiger barbs and one fire mouth they seem to be good with each other..i plan to upgrade to a little bigger for the fire mouth hes gonna get a little bigger about 5-6 inch max. get maybe a small flower pot for them to hide out.

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