Need a little advice...


New Member
Sep 14, 2005
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hello, I've just given away of a heap of fish because they were not right for my tank (was mis-sold, didnt research enough.. etc) so my tank is now empty :( i have been recommended a betta now thou :) i really want to find out everything a can about them, i know it is possible to keep them with other types of fish in the right conditions? and shrimp are ok to keep with them providing you dont mind them being eaten! I also considered a dwarf gourami but im really not sure and im quite worried about starting another tank as i had such a bad time with my last one :( can you please help??

In my opinion, don't put anything in with a male betta! Female bettas can live in groups of 5 or 6 though, and are often just as pretty. They aren't called Siamese Fighting Fish for nothing, and i would hate for you to be upset by any potential killings.
What about a betta and some cories? I have had great experience with one betta and a few cories (they like to be kept in groups of 3-5). I also have had good experience with a betta and some ghost shrimp. Just make sure that there is enough plants and caves for the betta to get away and be by himself for a while if he wants to. How big is the tank?
Cories, khuli loaches, otos, and African dwarf frogs all usually make excellent tankmates for bettas :thumbs:
Bettas and gouramis don't mix though, I'm afraid.
im glad you got rid of the other fish. if you gave them back to the lfs, hopefully they will go to larger tanks in good homes (although by the sound of your lfs...likely not)

bettas are awesome! be careful though because you might catch the betta bug and soon be scoping out the tupperware every time you go to the grocery store to find more homes for your ever-increasing collection!

i think the best thing for a 5 gal would be a betta and 3 cories. you might even be able to put an african dwarf frog in there too.

let us know what you decide!
I have a hex five also and it houses my orange male plakat from wuv. If I were you I'd just do a male betta and an african dwarf frog. Those things are so cute, and fun to watch, and make great company for your betta. and as jacblades said, be careful, around here the betta bug is very contagious.
hello, i got a Siamese Fighting Fish and called he Aston :D he has two corys in with him atm, saving for a third. he looks like the one below, but mine is shimmery gold through the back. I realllllly love him and i think i have the Betta bug :X he seems to be swimming against the current and sinking down lol keeps going up n down.


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careful with the current, if the fish seems to be struggling and being blown around you need to kill the current. There is a pinned article about this. And if their long delicate tails get stuck to the intake, consider shoving some sponge in the intake valve. Bettas HATE strong currents, and it can damage them as they have such long tails.
If you fill the water up high enough in a hex 5, then the current shouldn't be an issue. Mine is pretty non-existant, unless your tank isn't the same as mine, but I saw a pic of yours and it looks to be exactly the same.

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