Need A Good Diy Co2 How-To

Super Dude

Fish Crazy
Feb 15, 2009
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well, i've googled and youtubed looking for articles on how to build a good diy system, but most of them seem a little sketchy. i was hoping somebody could link me to a good and proven one.

also, will a higher volume of co2 mixture last longer or produce more co2 over a smaller container? will 1litre of mixture double the duration or gas produced v.s. 500ml.

use the search function on the front page and look for co2 sysytem (diy) lots of people have had sucess making there own :) incase you cant find anythung try a search in the hardware/diy section
I use a 2L bottle with 2-4 cups of sugar + 2-3 tsp of yeast for my 20g. Fill the bottle with warm water, it will make it easier to mix the sugar, and it will aslo activate the yeast. It works very well, i just give it a shake in the morning to stir things up :D

I have 60 watts on my 20g and the co2 woks fantastically!

This site demonstrates a good way to connect the airline to the bottle with no leaks.
The amount of yeast will determine how long or how short CO2 production will last. More yeast=More Co2, but for a shorter time, less yeast=less CO2but for a longer time.
i got this recipe from a member of the forum based where i live

1 litre warm water
2 cups brown sugar
1 teaspoon yeast

he says its been going strong since the 8th of december

i personally used 2 teaspoons of yeast and so far its doing better then what i tried last time, it makes a bubble about evr second or second and a half.
I'll never advice DIY CO2. Either go down the liquid carbon route like Excel, or go pressurized.
DIY CO2 does not give a constant output of CO2, this benefits algae. Neither will it give out enough CO2 for tanks larger than 20gallon IMO.

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