Need A Fish For My Tank Asap!

I have gravel and today i just did around 30% and vacumed :) Thanks guys!
Get a Raphael catfish. Also known as the talking catfish. It'll get big enough to survive the Oscars, and will clean up any scrap food.
Thanks im most likely going to get one just to help out with the tank. Thanks!
A raphael really won't help you out; it will also need its own food, and they're another large, messy fish (I have one).
To solve this problem, you need to up your maintenance regimen and change the fish's diet to one less pellet and more meaty based.
Mind if I chime in? If the pellets are making such a huge mess, you could be feeding too much? Sorry, not of much help. I'm incredibly jealous of your tank though! Do you have any pictures? :)
you can get a batery powered gravel vacc it will work as a siphon but wont drain water its got a net bag and waste is caught in it
get a batery operated vacc gravel vacc catches waste in a net bag and all water goees back into the tank
Pictures please!!!!   And I agree....part of the problem is probably over feeding. 
There really are no fish that will eat that sort of waste.

You'd be better off changing your fish's current diet away from pellets and onto things like raw fish, crickets or earthworms (as long as you can guarantee they're free from pesticides and fertilisers), which make less mess than pellets do.
get some good size snails, and clean the gravel. Dont over feed, and try a food that creates less waste, maybe get a decent sized crayfish or crab. I dont know bout your type of fish,but its just a suggestion.

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