Nearest to noiseless...

Which external filter is the quietest?

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  • Eheim

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Fish Crazy
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Need some honest help, and I guess you can only answer comparitively, i.e. if you have owned several different filters over a period of years.

I have a wife to pacify!, otherwise its a full-monty move of the tank into the dining room! (AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH! :crazy: )

Buzzing apparently interfering with Coronation Street......

If you have any other suggestions, bearing in mind that I live in the UK, and not all filters are sold worldwide, feel free to add your comments.

Thanks for voting,

Hey sub. I have a whisper that's run for over 4 years and is very quiet. I also have a regent aquatech that came with a 10 gallon kit that's very quiet too. The emperor and penguins (I have one of each) are quiet except for the water splashing back into the tank. This can be controlled somewhat by keeping the water level high. It depends on what you consider noise as some like to hear the water splashing.

I have heard and read that the AquaClears are very very quiet but I don't have any experience with them. What type of filter are you looking at, internal, hang on back, cannister?
Whisper power filters. Dont know exactly hwo its made by. Google it. Got one on my 15 gallon and its almost absolutely noiseless. U can hear it a little if u get really close.
Eheim. And I find that the Professional range is quieter than the classics.

Edit: Comparison is with a Fluval (404 I think), but that's pretty quiet too.
I use a fluval 304 with a spray bar under the water , no sound at all(same reason as you naggin wench, between tanks and pc it got noisy :D ) cant comment on others as the fluvals are the only ones ive come across,(cheap as chips in pets at home)
cheaper way still if your happy with your filter is buy the mrs a set of headphones for xmas :whistle:

Thanks guys :p

I have recently renewed the impellor in my ageing Rena, but it just wont stop being noisy. I also found that the stand from my Jewel Rio 180 resonated in sympathy to thw whirr from the pump aswell.....

I have managed to cure the resonance somewhat by sitting the pump on two off-cuts of Eheim 16mm hose. They act as mini dampers to the sound.

What I can't get rid of is the whirring.

So I guess I'm looking at an Eheim Pro then?

Pets24 here I come....or is there another super cheap outlet in the UK I know nothing about.

Thanks for your help guys.

fraservet said:
try charterhouse aquatics or ebay
Have looked at Charterhouse, and a little(!) green thing caught my eye.

Jebo 809 anybody?

Have read the review, and the reviewer claims it is so quiet he can sleep within two feet of it!

Has anybody else got one of these, and if so are they any good? They seem too cheap to be what I need...are they too good to be true?

Or shall I put up a new thread, so I get more exposed feedback?

Thanks again.

i still like the whispers. Quiet and mine hasnt broken down ever.
I've never used one of the Jebos, but as far as I can tell, they are cheap copies like a lot of other unknown makes.
I have however tried Rena, Eheim, and Fluval externals, and of the 3, the Eheims are by far the best. I like the Rena too, but the eheims are a cut above. I wouldn't even bother going for the Pro II, just get yourself an eheim classic (suited for the size of tank) and you won't be disappointed!!
The Pro II is very similar, just with more bells and whistles like self priming. You may find they are quieter, but I wouldn't know. I know i can't hear my classic unless I put my ear close to it though!!! :D

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