Natural Pets I've Inherited

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
South Africa
Just got the keys to my new house today... (will be moving over during the next 3 weeks)... previous tenants did not take all their pets with them and left me with these....

Bottom view of some spider with a webspan of about 3 meters..... Still dunno what I'm going to feed him on, but looks like he is capable of catching his own birds.

This is a top view of same "pet".... I need to call him something.... I think Gustav!

This is a beautiful lizard I noticed in one of the trees....(very shy, so I could not get a good shot at it....

I also saw a squirrel in the yard, but was too quick for me to take a photo.
Maybe you could feed some of your guppies to the spiders.
I've just Googled it meself and found out it is a "golden orb weaver spider".... not fatal to the bite, but can produce serious allergic reactions.... The web is strong and used by some fishermen as nets to catch fish... (I was only joking when I said so, but it does catch birds in its web).... It is also known as the Banana spider.

Now for that lizard... I'm gonna Google it as well & will report back shortly.
I've just Googled it meself and found out it is a "golden orb weaver spider".... not fatal to the bite, but can produce serious allergic reactions.... The web is strong and used by some fishermen as nets to catch fish... (I was only joking when I said so, but it does catch birds in its web).... It is also known as the Banana spider.

Now for that lizard... I'm gonna Google it as well & will report back shortly.

OK!!!... I've just found the lizard on Google as well and it is called a Blue headed tree Agama.... In some parts of the world, it is kept as a pet and fetch High prices.... Anybody interrested in this one??? :lol:
you have to hand it to spiders they are superb architects aint they :good:
I inherited a fox when i lived in edinburgh called zak I used to feed him smoky (my cat at the times) food off a spoon then a few years ago i was befriended by a collared dove that used to let me hand feed it peanuts. I dont count the birds that steal the piggys food out of the sheds right out there bowls under there noses though, there only inint forthemselves lol
scot :)
oh god imagien if you woke up to that spider in your bed..... urgghh
you'll be able to tell if its going to have babies because spiders build egg sacks that look like a small bit of cotton wool. destroy it. i had upwards of 500 baby spiders hatch in my room once - not pleasant.

you must live in the tropics to have those creatures in your garden.
EDIT: just saw your siggy said south africa. I was planning to go there one day but don't think I will after seeing that spider!
England may be wet and cold but at least most the spiders arent poisonous

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