Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

Pretty much everything that came on the live rock resembles a worm. Will these be ok to keep in my tank? I've just discovered a short fat pointy pink worm. Not sure where the long black millipede thing has gone now!
If it was covered in white spines then its probably a bristleworm. Totally safe to remain in the tank, just don't touch them, as those spines sting!

When it comes time to aquascape your tank, I'd recommend wearing rubber gloves, that way they can't sting you. I'd still wait until you know what that shrimp is. You definitely don't want to touch that if it is a mantis, as a trip up the A&E may follow lol. Did you manage to get some fish food this afternoon?

Keep your camera ready by your bed. That way, if it puts in another appearance, you can take a picture of it to confirm.
Argh i just started reading up about handling live rock. I didn't know that there could be toxins and things in there that could kill me. Slightly freaked out now.
Argh i just started reading up about handling live rock. I didn't know that there could be toxins and things in there that could kill me. Slightly freaked out now.


Well the live rock in itself won't harm you. Its just rock with nitrifying bacteria. Corals contain toxins but its only select ones that are harmful to humans. Corals like Zoa's contain palytoxin, which can be deadly if it enters the bloodstream. You'd have to have a cut on your finger and touch the coral for this to happen or accidentally squash a nudibranch under your finger ( if there was one in your tank), causing its spines to penetrate your skin and inject the toxin into your body.

There are creatures that will sting you, like bristleworms and mantis shrimps that potentially can split your finger open but, on the whole its relatively safe. Wearing gloves just removes the risk of dropping a rock because a bristleworm stings you and also transferring anything from your hands into the tank.
Be careful with that mantis, one that size will split your thumb/finger open in 1/25th of a second at around 2 inches, I would put a plastic cup in the tank with a rock next to it so the mantis can climb in, then bait it with bacon and if it falls in, you have yourself a mantis shrimp to home. The tank is looking good, bet you can't wait to get fish.
Argh i just started reading up about handling live rock. I didn't know that there could be toxins and things in there that could kill me. Slightly freaked out now.


Well the live rock in itself won't harm you. Its just rock with nitrifying bacteria. Corals contain toxins but its only select ones that are harmful to humans. Corals like Zoa's contain palytoxin, which can be deadly if it enters the bloodstream. You'd have to have a cut on your finger and touch the coral for this to happen or accidentally squash a nudibranch under your finger ( if there was one in your tank), causing its spines to penetrate your skin and inject the toxin into your body.

There are creatures that will sting you, like bristleworms and mantis shrimps that potentially can split your finger open but, on the whole its relatively safe. Wearing gloves just removes the risk of dropping a rock because a bristleworm stings you and also transferring anything from your hands into the tank.

Yeah I freaked out because I saw something that looks like a Zoanthid, and then I remembered that I touched one of the pieces without gloves. I'm probably a mild hypochondriac though to be fair. Haha. It looks like a mini version of this anyway...

You probably just have a mild tingling/burning sensation from handling the rocks in the salt water. Lots of people experience this.

Its probably best to handle the rocks wearing gloves anyway. You don't know what's growing / living on/in it and you get a better grip as well. As Truck says, at the moment just be very careful in case that shrimp is a mantis.
Lol yeah I got the tingling when I pulled my arms out of the saltwater. Pretty sure that I've definitely got a mantis shrimp and a bristleworm. Over the weekened I've decided I'm going to pull all the pieces out and wash them down in a bucket of saltwater and try and get all the unwanted things out. First I'll try and catch those 2 pesky things though. I don't want to be attacked by them. Haha.
i ment the bigger rocks for the base of the tank and then build it up with the small rocks. i had no idear that Zoa's contain palytoxin, which can be deadly if it enters the bloodstream i have one i was moving it around the tank with no gloves on :crazy: and i put all my rock in with no gloves on :crazy:
As already said most things are harmless and others need a way to enter the bloodstream so everyone try not to panic! (i would say Mr manering but think some are to young to remember :lol: ). Chances are if you are ok now you are fine just get some gloves for the next time and keep a close eye on things :good: .
Can I send you over to the Coral of the week - for Zoas, that way you can read the info and make your own judgements.

But as has already been said - don't panic Mr Mainwaring (and yes i am old enough :blush: )

  • Many reefers get a tingling when they have had their hands in the tank
  • Reefers should keep anti histimin in the medicine cupboard and tell their families
  • if you have allergies of another sort, you should be more careful
  • Wear gloves if you are at all worried.
  • It is true that zoas have a toxin in them that has the potential to kill, but it's a potential and shouldn't be taken out of context.
  • Always wash your hands straight away after having them in the tank.
  • Do not touch your face at all until you have washed your hands.
  • Do not put your hands in the tank if you have an open wound.

But please go over and look at the wonderful photos and the good info on the Coral of the week thread :good:

Seffie x

oh and one last thing - leave the bristle worm in the tank Nat, they are part of the cuc and where this is one there is more, just take care
Just sorting through my rock and I think I have a a feather duster! Here's the pic..


Also, here's the bristle worm. I've take it out. I don't like it. lol.


So should I put bacon in the tank to catch the shrimp thing? Does it have to be cooked or raw?
Ahh it's ok I found it dead under a rock. Right I've got my rocks all laid out, how do I go about getting the sand in? I'm worried it's going to knock my rocks over or something. Should I scoop it in with a cup or something?

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