Natral or dyed

When you see unatural colours, like purple, bright green, pink etc. you can assume that the fish are dyed, although this isn't alway true. If in doubt, you can always look it up on the net.
First look for swolen gills
then for glassy eyes or bad eye sight
finaly look for signs of stress
If none of the above are present and the color "looks" natural then it probably is natural. But the gills are where most of the damage occurs in dip dyeing (also called tatooing)

And how do u know if they havn't been breed by people to get the colour.

most common fish have been tampered with at some point. selective breeding has been going on for centuries. all your guppies, bettas, discus, gouramis and angels are worlds apart from thier naturaly evolved cousins.

there actually isnt such a fish as a dwarf gourami naturally. bettas would certainly look nothing like the bettas we all take for granted either..

neither would stand a chance in the wild....

not dyed no..but still mans intervention... yet people are appauled at me for keeping blood parrots (not dyed i might add)
nightlife20 said:
how about glolight tetras?? are they dyed?? i mean they bright orange in places...
Nope... not dyed... they're natural (except maybe a bit of selective breeding :dunno: )

tropjunky, if you're concerned about buying a dyed fish without realising, your best bet is to look online at all the fish that are most commonly dyed (here's a list).

Sometimes you can just tell, by looking at the fish. I'd never seen dyed fish near me until a few days ago. There was a tank full of neon pink parrot fish... so obviously not their natural colour that even someone who didn't know anything about fish wuld have second thoughts :crazy: . There where also dyed albino cories... they have a coloured blob of dye near their tail (some were purple, some blue and some pink). It looked fairly obvious that they were dyed too. Needless to say, I won't shop at that lfs again. :grr:
i'm not concernd as i buy from my LFS. Inot not worried because I've worked for them and they told me most of the things i know and plus they make it their business not to sell fish to bad conditions and they generaly care about the fish.

I'm just wandering what poses people to do such a horrible thing to a living animal.

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