Nano Tank


Fish Crazy
Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
Sunny Liverpool
Ok this is a first for me so if I mess up please be aware of this!
Anyway I,ve decided to try and make a nano tank and I,m looking for advice on it as well,I,ve got a 12 ltr tank which i,m going to use for shrimps and maybe a few snails, my apple snails have bred and i,ve got a few in my other tank.
I,m waiting for a led light unit to arrive before I plant up and I,m not sure as to wether to do a fish less cycle with it being mainly for shrimps.
The advice I need is for the planting, what would be the best type of plants for this set up?, im using black sand for the substrate, no c02 and a led light system not sure of the wattage.
As you can see I,m not sure how to put these pictures in order but I,m sure you get what i,m doing, they wanted 7 quid for that stick in my local MA but after arguing with them about how much i spend there I got it for nothing, result.
I will try to sort some more pictures out as I go along and when some plants are in.

You have the start of an interesting project here, looking forward to how this venture goes for you. Well, heres what i would do if that was me.

I would keep this simple, and low-tech. I'd go with a led light which you say you are, and leave it at pretty much that.

I would have the wood as you have it now, more or less. I would tie portions of Java Fern to the upward "stalk" of wood reaching to the top of the tank. This would in time fill out and create your focal point. From how you've posted your pictures, the 7th one down from top is the one i'm using to visualise how it will look. I can see the Java fern being no lower than 50% of the way down that wood in pic 7.

Below that, shaded by the Java Fern i would also tie some Anubias nana around where the wood begins to branch, leaving the last inch or so of wood to sit into the substrate. I can see Anubias filling out quite nicely here. That will give you the focal point.

Behind this i would place a couple of easy to grow, smaller(ish) crypts. Such as Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Green'. These will grow up/out and wrap around the wood(as in pic 7). Seeing as its low-tech you may struggle to get any foreground, although Cryptocoryne Parva could be tried. Failing that you could utilise Java Moss as a foreground plant, although that takes some practice to get right.

Ofcourse, the possibilities are endless, its what you chose to do. Thats my two cents. Hope it helps a little. Keep us updated.


(p.s) For future reference when you post a pic use the
clearer on the forum. If you can't see the [img] tags use a host website such as imageshack or photobucket (i prefere the latter).
Thanks for the advice on both the plants and the pictures I think ive got the hang of it now.
Ive got an annubias in my other tank and was wondering if its possible to somehow split it, there looks like small plantlets growing off it, is it possible to do this as in the way you can with "land plants"

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Hope the pictures give some idea of what I mean.
Once the light arrives and I get some planting done I'll put some more up.
Yes, you should be able to cut them off and they will continue to grow like the mother rhyzome. Make sure you get a good enough size piece of rhyzome with each piece. If they look too small to separate leave them be, let them grow a while longer then separate them. Also, the main stem you should be able to cut in half, or thirds, or whatever and they all should continue to grow new leaves :) Its a slow grower, so be patient.
Well the light arrived today so I cut a small piece of annubias of the one in my other tank and was going to tie it onto the wood but if fits snugly into a little fork on the branch.
I've decided to replace the little filter that was with the tank it dosnt really have much of a flow on it and you have to throw the filter pads away and use new ones when you come to clean it so there not much use really.
I was'nt going to bother with a heater until I saw one on ebay, a hagen mini heater 25 watt for £3.00 I couldnt leave it there for that price, but once again the money starts getting spent.
What I need now is to find some plants to finish it off and a bit of advice, will shrimps climb out, theres no lid on it and I don't know if they will or not but I'm sure someone will let me know.
I'll put more up as I go along.

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I only had shrimp climb out when they weren't happy, had CRS in to high temp lol, they went down the hari kari route.
Wood's a bit center for my taste. But that's to your taste, not mine. I do like the piece, though, very nice. Some potential when you get moss.

Nicked a little moss from the other tank and tied it on the wood, the little filter arrived today as well , it seems to have a better flow on it, I've been moving the wood around but I'm not sure :no:

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Looks really good so far :good:
Well I think I am starting to get somewhere now, ive put some plants and a bit of hard scape in and I think its starting to look pretty good,I'm just waiting for the heater to arrive, can you spot the new arrivals ? , I've put two baby apple snails in there and they seem happy enough, I'm having a real problem though finding shrimps as quick as my local MA gets them in there gone and with working all day I have no chance, I've read that there are some really good online suppliers but I don't know of any myself so if anyone can help I would be really grateful. :good:

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AquaEssentials stock shrimp on their site - you could try them. I know MA do seem able to get a fair few varieties in though!

This is coming along nicely. I think you need to trim the stem plant at the back and re-plant just the top 2-3" to regrow again. It'll grow better, atleast it should. The grass in the right aswell would benefit from being separated into smaller chunks and replanted a few cm apart. It'll spread out and look better when it does. Also, get some more moss on that wood, with another section of Anubias or two. The only thing i don't like personally, is the rounded rock. You either need more of them and place them into an arrangement, or to get a rock with more defined lines, a little more jagged perhaps.

Coming along nicely though :) I'm liking it...
Thanks for the advice, after looking at it you are right the rock looks wrong, I,ve split the hairgrass and it looks a lot better for it, shortened the other plant as well, the heater arrived today so now I need some livestock, can't wait.
I had a look at aqua essentials and I think an order will be going in shortly.

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Yeahhhh, better. I like it. Aquaessentials are very good. I've used them a couple of times and been very impressed on all occassions. If i remember correctly you get the option to include a "special notification" upon delivery, so i select a place to leave me package outside if i'm not in, very helpfull. Especially as my neighbours are always on holiday (being retired) haha.

With a tank that small, i think stocking is limited to a few shrimp, a snail or two, and maybe Celestial Pearl Danios, or Harlequin Rasboras. The only fish small enought to fit in their.

I think it still could benefit from having a more jagged rockwork used in the transition between wood and hair grass. It could be used low down, or higher up to break the sudden transition between the two, making it appear more natural.

It'll be interesting to see how this grows in a little. Nice to see you implemented my suggestions, not saying i'm correct always, but in this instance it certainly has improved your tank, IMO ofcourse :)

Keep up the good work :)
I,m always open to advice and on this occasion its worked out, I like rock in an aquarium but that one did'nt look right but I have got an idea, so lets see what happens, I am really enjoying this and I don't think it will be my last one ( mind you lets see what the other half has to say ) :rolleyes:
Haha, it always begins with one (naturally), then it becomes two, then three. I'm at 6 currently, and the other half won't admit it, but she loves it too!

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