Nano Tank


New Member
May 24, 2007
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i have a nano tank 54ltrs i have had it for about 6 wks i have 1 dansell eco live rock and today i brought 2 bits of live coral today can you tell me how long i need to leave my lights on for day to day
hi! welcome to tff! :)

what lights do you have on the tank? what type of coral is it?
thank you for reply i am a bt of an idiot on this matter i have 2 t5 lights and one of the coral is a mushroom i hope that helps
what's the total wattage? mushrooms are supposedly very hardy so aslong as your water's good and you have adequate lighting they'll be fine. Usually people keep their litghts on between 8 and 12 hours a day.

hope that helps!

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