Alright, so my 29gallon nano tank has been set up and running smoothly with no deaths for about 2 months now. The tank is a fish only, live rock tank. My question is about stocking, I know it's supposed to be double that of freshwater in regards to the rule of thumb (1" of a fishes maximum size per gallon of water), I currently have 1 blue damsel (with a yellow tail), 1 Velvet blue damsel, 1 Mandarin fish, 1 skunk cleaner shrimp, 1 Lobster (unknown name, the LFS told me the name but I forgot it lol, it grows to 4-5" max), and a few Zebra legged hermit crabs.
I want to know if I could add any more fish to this tank as the mid to top levels look pretty barren what with only 2 fish swimming around. 50gallon filter on the tank, so the bioload isn't a huge issue.
I want to know if I could add any more fish to this tank as the mid to top levels look pretty barren what with only 2 fish swimming around. 50gallon filter on the tank, so the bioload isn't a huge issue.