Nano Tank Stock


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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Alright, so my 29gallon nano tank has been set up and running smoothly with no deaths for about 2 months now. The tank is a fish only, live rock tank. My question is about stocking, I know it's supposed to be double that of freshwater in regards to the rule of thumb (1" of a fishes maximum size per gallon of water), I currently have 1 blue damsel (with a yellow tail), 1 Velvet blue damsel, 1 Mandarin fish, 1 skunk cleaner shrimp, 1 Lobster (unknown name, the LFS told me the name but I forgot it lol, it grows to 4-5" max), and a few Zebra legged hermit crabs.

I want to know if I could add any more fish to this tank as the mid to top levels look pretty barren what with only 2 fish swimming around. 50gallon filter on the tank, so the bioload isn't a huge issue.
you wont be able to add any other fish with the damsels

the rule i read in books is 1" per 5 gallons
ive heard countless people disregard that inch rule in saltwater! damsels can be agressive nto to say they all are, you may want to replace them with a pair of clowns and maybe a firefish. does ur mandarin eat frozen?
My mandarin enjoys his frozen and live brine shrimp, but he also eats pellets. I'm not getting rid of my Damsels, so any other fish I'd add would be ones that will be fine with damsels (or mabye even other species of damsels). My question is not regarding the species of fish I have, my question is would I be able to add 1 or 2(at a stretch) more fish?
yeh i recon you could add another especially if its just a fowlr, and do weekly water changes and matienence should be good.
im jelous of your mandarin eating frozen though :p

perhaps u cud even add 2 , id wait andd see what a more experianced marinist has to say on that thoguh!
k :) and your mandarin doesn't eat frozen? that sucks lol... saves me alot of time, and money lol
i havent got one yet, wanting to find one that eats frozen first !!! hopefully my lfs will find one sooon .... might wait for 6months just incase though!

your best bet will be to do some research on what will be compatable with your damsels!
No worries on that, I enjoy the look of Damsels and I know theres the 4 line damsel out there, AKA the humbug :)
You should document what you are doing with regards to the mandarin and post a separate thread. If you can keep him alive in your 29, you are one of only a very few.

BTW, your stocking rules are is no different than FW if you go with the 1" rule..which is really worthless for the most part. SH

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