Nano Tank Pictures


Fish Herder
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
could you please post some finshed pictures of you nano please to give me a few ideas.

These are probably the best pics of my nano



There is a link to my journal for this tank in my sig.

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Such a nice nano, great use of HM background and the crypts too.
Do you still have any hm? if so can I poach some when my algae is under control?
Beat you to it George! :ninja:

Gareth - Thanks for the complement, I dont think I ever really appreciated the tank for what it was, which was better than I gave myself or the tank credit for. Its long since gone now though, and is empty at the moment. This was the tank as of June 2006, I never did manage to get it looking as good again, hopefully going to start it up again before Xmas.

thanks for the link and pictures.

sam your nano did look great. i think you said your setting it up again soon on another thread?
if i remember correctly its 24x8x8 which is t he sam size as the nano im setting up in a few weeks.

george your nano is great and the reason ive changed my plan to a more ADA style

Yeh should be getting a load more plants for it next wkd. I like the dimensions as its more the shape a large say 6' tank would be so you can really make it look bigger than it is. The only trouble is that as its only 24ish lt if you run EI you have to be stop on with the water changes and fert dosing or algae will take hold in no time.

Yeh should be getting a load more plants for it next wkd. I like the dimensions as its more the shape a large say 6' tank would be so you can really make it look bigger than it is. The only trouble is that as its only 24ish lt if you run EI you have to be stop on with the water changes and fert dosing or algae will take hold in no time.


totaly agree with what your saying about the size/shape and also on maintenance comment.

will you be doing a journal for it? as im also starting mine next sunday hopefully.

just a few questions if you dont mind answering them
where are you getting your plants from now?
what substrate are you using?

Yeh I'll either carry on the journal I have or start a new one.

Plants will be tropica from aquajardin near Gloucester, but tropica plants still remain pretty tricky to get hold of, well if you want something in particular anyway, so I tend to use greenline more often than not, and they stock HC now too which is great.

Substrate will be black quarts gravel and tropica plant substrate. I'm going to be tying to start the tank emersed to avoid algae in the early stages, adding water in a few weeks. If that doesn't work Ill be getting ADA AS or something, perhaps EC not sure. Will see what happens.

Feel free to PM any other questions :)


im also growing the tank emersed. i will be using ada amazona from the start. will be the first ADA thing i buy lol


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