Nano Reef Fish

Most smaller gobies (under 3 inches) should do fine.
For example, neon gobies, and clown gobies.
In a 10-gallon tank you could fit any of the cleaner gobies, clown gobies, and a smaller watchman species. I actually think a single Ocellaris or Percula clown fish would be possible, although not a pair. A single assessor, or firefish, is also doable). Certain damsels, blennines, and pseudochromis can be doable as well. However, if you want more than one fish, you're pretty much limited to gobies, or a goby/something else pair.
The reason why most dont agree with putting a clown in a 10 gallon is because of the size, doesnt matter if its 1 or 4 clownfish, the 10 gallon remains the same size.

I stand by no clowns in a 10 gallon.

Id just get a 20 gallon, not that much of a difference, and you can do clowns in there.

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