Nano Journal

Tanks looking Great! I like the shape of it as well... :)
Nice looking fish you have there, is that coral goby also called a yellow watchman goby?
Keep up the goodwork :D
I think a purple (decorated) firefish is one of the most beautiful nano fish that you can buy. The funny thing is, a Helfrichi's firefish runs into the hundreds of dollars and, IMO, doesn't compare in coloration. $199 vs $19. Good addition. SH
Sf05- Thanks for the compliment. And to answer your question a yellow watchman goby is completely different from a coral goby.

SH-I agree with you, I just love the colours on them.
Alright time for an update. For an update on the fish, the coral goby has chosen the heater as the home. All day he just on the top of it or on the suction cap. Today he's moved around the bit (on the other side of the tank as I speak) but hes seen to like the heater best. My shrimp are doing a great job cleaning up al the rubbish. It's cool to watch them walk around grabing things from the nooks and crannies and eating them! I moved some mushies I had in my main tank over to the nano, so we will see how they go under 1watt per gallon lighting lol. If they start to go downhill I'll just move them back into the main tank. OK now for the piccies:

HOB filter (top):

HOB filter (side):

Tank (front):

Tank (side):

Tank (top):

Hitchhiker zoos:

Mushies from main tank:

I've done the design for what I want my mini fuge to be like, please comment on the design!

Mini Hob Fuge Design:

Mini Hob Fuge Measurements:

I'm really not sure if this will work as I'm about as good a handyman as a person with no arms. If anyone could tell me if this is a good/bad idea and if it will work I would be very appreciated!!!
Bounce it off least you are good with CAD programs. SH
Is the water coming in from the side of hte fuge? if so then the water level on the other side will not be this high as its weight will push the level back down. HOw is hte water going ot enter the fuge and how will it return to the main system?
Thankyou for posting Navarre!

The water direction would hopefully follow the lines in the first diagram, which would mean it would get pumped from the side side of the HOB fuge and then returning to the main tank by going over the ledge bit at the front (the arrows in this diagram show where it will be going in and out).

In and out:


Is there anyway that I could keep the water level so that it would be able to exit the fuge? Would you have any idea how much lower the other side would be?

Thanks for your help!

EDIT: Erk, Just incounted a problem :/ . I've realise the place I've got the flow coming from in my diagrams in actually not where it is coming from. I didn't look close enough but there is actually a small gap about 3cm from the bottom of the container where the water comes from(I just noticed then when I was looking at my pictures. This means my design won't work lol so I think I won't go with anything fancy and just stick some LR and macro in there (no mods of any sort). Thanks anyway Navarre, sorry to waste your time.
As much as I didn't want to have a clownfish in my nano, looks like the last fish I'm adding will be one. My "pair" of clowns in my 3ft has gone to shambles. The female is so brutal to her male counterpart that I've had to move the male to one of those breeder nets. He's lost a lot of coulor as well as getting a few chunks taken out of his fins. The female wouldn't let the male move out of the corner of the tank, and everythime he did he got a beating. Anyway I'll be putting him in my nano when he gets a bit healthier and he wil be the last fish I will add!
I have also been trying to find a way to make a fuge. If you have any suggestions tell me because
I need one badly. -CF
I have also been trying to find a way to make a fuge. If you have any suggestions tell me because
I need one badly. -CF

Well I think I'm pretty much gonna just chuck in a kilo or so of LR and a handful of macro and call that my HOB "fuge". It's not gonna be anythign special anymore.

Today I noticed a peice of LR in there LR tank with a few zoos on it at my LFS. I bought the peice for $5 and I've put it in my 3ft so that they will spread and cover the rock (my other zoos in that tank are growing like wildfire) then I'll put them in my nano. I'm also considering buying a second hand MH off a friend for the nano. It's very tempting :hey:
I got a holiday job cleaning carpets which should get me a couple of hundred bucks by the end of the week. With this I'm going to finally get around to getting an RO unit (most likely a 3 stage one). Finally I will have lovely clea tap water :D .
Just a quick update!

Got about $300 from cleaning carpets. $230 of that is going to buy an RO unit and the rest has already been spent on some SPS's :D . Today I had my first little accident! I put a towel over my fish tank (to stop light from getting in) but I had forgotten to put the lid on my HOB filter back on after my water change. Anyway the towel must of been touching the water, because it sucked the water up and dumped it ontp my floor :X ! And to make matters worse this all happened at 1 in the morning :/ . Luckily all the equipement was still submerged and nothing expensive got damaged! It soaked up about 20% of the total water in my tank, which means there is gonna be a fair bit of fresh sea water in the tank this week but its not something I can help.

Anyway, I should be getting some zoos and shrooms of a friend soon so I'm looking forward to that! Until then, bye!
Good job mate :)

Sounds like everythings coming together nicely.
Any more piccies?
Keep up the goodwork

Thanks! :D

Yes there will be some pictures soon! My friend got a fancy new camera for his bday and he came round here to try it out :thumbs: . So there will be some picies when he give them to me :)

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